AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 16, 2014

By -- June 16, 2014 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at, which has a wealth of energy and environmental resources.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResourcefor their assistance in publishing this information.


Greed Energy Economics:

Canada and Australia form alliance opposed to climate radicalism

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): A Costly Illusion

117 Organizations Tell Congress to Oppose Extending Expired Wind Subsidies

Former Senator: Wind PTC Should End

Some NNY homes near turbines drop $300k± in value

Spanish Lesson for US: Green Energy Transition Unaffordable

Germany’s Green Jobs Miracle Collapses

The spin on wind, or, an example of BS in the field of energy policy

Fracking Sucks Money From Wind

Hanover turbine still not turning


Turbine Health Matters:

1,600 miscarriages at fur farm near wind turbines

A paper on noise pollution, its health effects, and its associated social inequity

Noise is #1 Quality-of-Life Complaint in NYC

Excellent Radio Program about Wind Turbine Noise

Leading Turbine Noise Scientist: Fired

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‘Energy Independence’: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

By Pierre Desrochers -- June 12, 2014 3 Comments

“Unfortunately, at the first sign of political and economic trouble most people are spontaneously inclined to put the brakes on international trade and to increase local production of critical things such as food and energy. This stance often has dire consequences.”

As some apparently inexplicable behaviour illustrates (say, being a die-hard fan of the Chicago Cubs), humans are profoundly territorial creatures. According to evolutionary psychologists, this is because for approximately 90% of their time on this planet, modern humans belonged to small groups that were constantly fighting each other over the possession of land and resources. Deep down, most people’s behaviour is not all that different from that observed on Animal Planet’s Meerkat Manor

Peace and Open Trade

As recent events in the Ukraine remind us, sometimes the other tribe is still out there to get us.…

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Tom Tanton Interview (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 10, 2014 2 Comments

“Generally, I’d like to be remembered for helping to form a better connection and awareness between innovation and free markets and the tremendous improvements modern energy brings to people. That’s the essence of my progressive nature, so maybe I haven’t strayed to far from my early liberal bent, just on the best ways to achieve good results. Be clear on results versus intentions.”

MasterResource from time to time conducts interviews with leading free-market scholars (see Ken Green here). This completes the Tanton interview, Part I of which was yesterday.

Q. Let’s turn from traditional pollutants to climate change. What work have you done here?

TT: My focus has been more on policies that strive to address emissions, rather than climate modeling. I’ll leave that to those more qualified, as long as they adhere to scientific process.…

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Tom Tanton Interview (Part I)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 9, 2014 No Comments

“I view my 40+ year career as progressions on a common theme; understanding (and promoting) the role of free markets and technology innovation one to the other, both to improve humankind’s’ lot.”

MasterResource from time to time conducts interviews with leading free-market scholars (see Ken Green here). This two-part interview with Tom Tanton continues tomorrow.

Q. Let’s start with your current position and responsibilities.

TT: I’m currently Director of Science and Technology Assessment at the Energy and Environment Legal Institute (EELI). I’m also President of my consulting firm T2 and Associates, which stands for “Trust in Technology” not my initials.

EELI is focused on strategic litigation, such as testing the constitutionality of the renewable portfolio standard in Colorado, and on increasing government transparency through Freedom of Information Act requests and litigation.…

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Can Green Energy be Demythologized? (Part 2)

By Wayne Lusvardi and Charles Warren -- June 6, 2014 5 Comments Continue Reading

Why Is Clean, Cheap, Conventional Energy a Hard Sell? (Part 1)

By Wayne Lusvardi and Charles Warren -- June 5, 2014 9 Comments Continue Reading

Ohio SB 310: Energy Users Best the Cronies (GE, AWEA, etc.)

By Kevon Martis -- May 30, 2014 3 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 27, 2014

By -- May 27, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Gabriel Kolko and ‘Political Capitalism’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 21, 2014 2 Comments Continue Reading

Tax Farming Seminar for Renewable Energy

By James Rust -- May 20, 2014 No Comments Continue Reading