A Free-Market Energy Blog

Energy and Environmental Review: December 18, 2023

By -- December 18, 2023

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnighly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Economic Euthanasia
*** The Crippling Economic Costs of Green Energy Subsidies
*** Mind-Bogglingly Costly Green Boondoggles Leave Carbon, Temperatures Virtually Untouched

Unreliables: Energy, Health, and Ecosystem Consequences:
*** Upstate NY resident presents wind turbine concerns to County Board of Health
Industrial Wind Turbines Are Slaughtering Millions of Birds and Bats

Unreliables (General):
*** Insiders warn shifting to green energy could disrupt power grid reliability
***Another Critical Thinker Reaches The Obvious Conclusion: Intermittent Renewables Can’t Work On Their Own
*** The Black Lie at the Heart of Net Zero Energy Fantasies
Michigan Dems Big Foot The Locals

Wind Energy — Offshore:
Great Lakes Icebreaker project on Ice: high hopes dashed

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
7,500 wind turbines in Spain to be dismantled within five years

Solar Energy:
*** New: Solar Resistance Plan of Action
Why The Residential Solar Industry is in Danger of Imploding
Maine community approves ban on commercial solar facilities

Nuclear Energy:
*** COP 28 – Young people positive about nuclear energy
First Two SMR-300 Units Slated to be Built at Michigan’s Palisades Site
Poland’s Coal-to-Nuclear plans move forward with U.S.

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COP28 Reality: Rejecting the Narrative on the Left (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 16, 2023

“The final COP28 text ‘calls on’ governments ‘to transition away from fossil fuels’… This is the weakest possible formulation according to UNFCCC’s own style guide (see image below). The list below is in order of strength (from strongest ‘instruct’ to weakest ‘calls’). We should not celebrate the COP28 final text as a ‘landmark deal’ ….”

– Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School (below)

The “breakthrough” hyperbole of the mainstream media (in search of momentum with an issue that the public has rightfully demoted) is not going over very well with the climate religionists on the ground.

Al Gore Hype

Al Gore himself, unable to wave the white flag, spins failure into hope:

The decision at COP28 to finally recognize that the climate crisis is, at its heart, a fossil fuel crisis is an important milestone.

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COP28 Wish-Wash: What is a Climate Alarmist to Do? (Part I)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 15, 2023

“The whole thing is a misdirect. Were any of you serious, it would have been a zoom meeting. All of the stopping climate change proposals are bullshit because they require rounds of GLOBAL CONSUMPTION. Forcing everyone to buy a new stove, water heater, HVAC system and car all at once is not decarbonization, it’s a disaster for the planet. This is all industry driven to force consumption.”

– Steven Lamb, Institute for Sound Public Policy (below)

They had it coming. James Hansen, no less, called the 2015 Paris Agreement “a fraud really, a fake.” And fossil fuels almost a decade later are that much more embedded.

But will the disillusioned true believers want to check their premises and change course?

“The only person who can truly persuade you is yourself,” Milton and Rose Friedman once wrote [Free to Choose (1979), p.…

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An Exchange with PUC Candidate Patty Durand: Question Climate Alarmism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 14, 2023
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African Energy Chamber to COP28: We Want Fossil Fuels!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 13, 2023
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More SMR Woes: Oklo/Air-Force Cancellation

By Kennedy Maize -- December 12, 2023
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Al Gore’s Tiresome Crusade: So Long, So Wrong

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 11, 2023
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Canadian Climate Policy: Reasonableness Needed

By Rob Ivany -- December 7, 2023
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GHG Forcing: Diminishing Returns (bad mitigation math)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 6, 2023
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NuScale: Small Reactors, Big Legal Problems

By Kennedy Maize -- December 5, 2023
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