Libertarian Party Energy Platform (‘the party of principle’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 8, 2020 12 Comments

“While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.”

This week, the Green Party’s platform on climate and on energy was presented. Today, the Libertarian Party energy platform is reproduced. Adopted in July 2018, no changes were made at the 2020 Convention.

The LP platform is very brief compared to that of the Green Party. The general principle of private property rights, voluntary exchange, and the rule of law needs just a bit of elaboration. Beware of the prescriptive, in other words. Excerpts follow:


As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty: a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and are not forced to sacrifice their values for the benefit of others.…

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Democrat Socialists Rejecting Biden’s Move to Middle (Green Party bump?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 5, 2020 No Comments

“By refusing to embrace a fracking ban, Biden is following the well-trodden liberal path of rhetorically acknowledging the threat posed by climate change, while rejecting the measures necessary to actually deal with it. If he really believes, as per the language on his own official website, that ‘climate change is the greatest threat facing our country and our world’ he and other liberal politicians should start behaving like that threat is real.” [- Luke Savage (below)]

Joe Biden Is Wrong. Believing in Science Means Banning Fracking” by Luke Savage is a rare rebuke against the pro-fracking stance of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden for private lands. Climate alarmist Andrew Dessler gave Biden a pass (maybe there is not a climate emergency after all!), as has far Left climate group,…

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Global Carbon Taxation for Redistribution (“last opportunity” for “game changing”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 24, 2020 2 Comments

“The beauty of [a global carbon tax incentive fund] is that it penalises the richer nations for their profligate lifestyles, and it incentivises developing nations to avoid fossil fuels and to develop their energy infrastructure using low-carbon technologies.”

“… there needs to be a supplementary tax that penalises environmentally irresponsible governments such as Brazil’s, which seems to regard trashing the planet as a political accolade.”

Robin Russell-Jones, a dermatologist turned environmental activist, and currently chair of Help Rescue the Planet, has come clean on what is needed to phase-out fossil fuels. His article, “Will the Cop26 climate conference be a national embarrassment for Britain?” (The Guardian: September 7, 2020), advocates a massive global energy tax. And he advocates tax penalties (think global international trade tariffs) for the non-compliant.…

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California’s Energy Vampire: Solar at Night (Silverstein misleads in Forbes)

By -- September 15, 2020 5 Comments

“Cal-ISO reported for August 14 … a sudden, unplanned 1,098-megawatt ‘forced’ loss of wind power on that day from the Alta Wind Energy Center in Tehachapi serving Southern California….”

“Cal-ISO formed a Western regional Energy Imbalancing Market in 2014 … to provide power during its daily ‘two-hour energy crisis’ at sunset when solar power cuts out (called the Duck Curve).”

Writing in Forbes magazine online, journalist Ken Silverstein claims that “Green Energy is Not Among the Culprits Behind California’s Energy Crisis”. Who is this author, and what is his logic and evidence?

Silverstein has written several non-fiction titles for Verso Books, a publishing house dedicated to radical leftism. He is one of the promulgators of the media myth that Enron caused the California Energy Crisis of 2001, notwithstanding the Enron officials who were convicted of accounting fraud.…

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Excuses, Excuses: California 2020 vs. Jevons 1865

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 27, 2020 4 Comments Continue Reading

Trump: “Restoring US Energy Dominance” (Excerpts from July 29, 2020 speech)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 3, 2020 No Comments Continue Reading

‘Shrillness’ of greens contributed to failure in Washington — EDF chief ‘ (2011 article rings true today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2020 2 Comments Continue Reading

Plastics Appreciation Month!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 15, 2020 2 Comments Continue Reading

Paris Climate Accord Hyperbole (who’s winning now?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 4, 2020 2 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 2, 2020

By -- June 2, 2020 1 Comment Continue Reading