The Climate Science Debate Is Joined! Hallelujah!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 4, 2017 No Comments

“… we don’t have a first-principles theory that tells us what we have to get right in order to have an accurate projection [of anthropogenic climate change]…. This is sort of an emergent knowledge base. So, that’s the translation of this last statement, ‘To date, a set of diagnostics and performance metrics that can strongly reduce uncertainties in global climate sensitivity,’ a la projections, ‘has yet to be identified’.” (p. 89)

“… if the [temperature] hiatus is still going on as of the sixth IPCC report, that report is going to have a large burden on its shoulders walking in the door, because recent literature has shown that the chances of having a hiatus 18 of 20 years are vanishingly small.” (p. 92)

– William Collins, Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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ANWR: Let’s Go! (Driessen’s 2012 wisdom comes of age)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 26, 2017 No Comments

“If we can’t even use seismic to ‘see’ the vast majority of our underground prospects and resources, we cannot possibly estimate what is actually there. The one thing we can say is: Our current estimates of U.S. oil and gas resources are wrong, and are almost certainly much too low.”

“Producing ANWR’s oil riches represents hundreds of billions in state and federal royalties and corporate income taxes, over the life of the fields, plus billions more in lease sale revenues, plus thousands of direct and indirect jobs, in addition to numerous jobs created when all this money is reinvested in the USA.”

Paul Driessen is a indefatigable intellectual warrior for energy and climate realism. Propelled by a distain for crony  environmentalism that promotes global poverty, he has produced weekly opinion-page editorials and written a full-scale book challenging climate alarmism and unmasking energy fantasies.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 25, 2017

By -- September 25, 2017 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Four people die in helicopter crash near major NC wind project

PhD: Massachusetts wind turbine study is junk science

Alert: Integrating the Social Cost of Carbon into NYS Utility Pricing

Societal Benefits of Fossil Fuels

Study: Hidden consequences of intermittent electricity production

Study: Vermont Energy Goal Numbers Don’t Add up

Unwinding Failing Renewables Policies

The EPA Needs to Stick to its Knitting

Global Warming: Who Are The Deniers Now?

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New York Times: From Bad to Worse (intellectual polarization in the Age of Trump)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 21, 2017 3 Comments

“Make no mistake. The intellectual polarization in the Age of Trump is widening. Progressives are all in, and intellectual norms and fair dealing are out. Whether it is Michael Mann in climate science or Nancy MacLean in social science or Justin Gillis in the media, the ends justify the means.”

I subscribe to the New York Times because I want to understand opposing views as well as my own in the area of political economy. I like to think that I can argue my opponent’s position better than he or she can argue mine. That’s what you have to do with a politically incorrect conclusion that you are convinced is intellectually correct. (I take my craft seriously ….)

Two articles in yesterday’s Times were particularly disappointing. One was a book review of Nancy MacLean’s very dishonest Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America.

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 14, 2017

By -- August 14, 2017 2 Comments Continue Reading

Response to MIT President: Paris Exit Scientifically Sound (Part I)

By Willie Soon and Christopher Monckton of Brenchley -- July 5, 2017 12 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 12, 2017

By -- June 12, 2017 1 Comment Continue Reading

‘Outside the Green Box’ (new primer unmasks ‘sustainable development’ fallacies)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 8, 2017 10 Comments Continue Reading

‘Combined Heat and Power’ Distributed Generation: Beware of Government Mandates, Subsidies

By Donn Dears -- March 13, 2017 4 Comments Continue Reading

Clinton’s Water Plan Runs Up Hill(ary) Towards Money”

By -- September 26, 2016 5 Comments Continue Reading