Energy Statism: R Street Hits New Low (carbon tax dead, so wind & solar lovefest today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 8, 2018 4 Comments

“R Street continues to live the lie of ‘engag[ing] in policy research and outreach to promote free markets and limited, effective government.’ Pricing carbon dioxide, replete with global tariffs (‘border adjustments’) and tax differentials (‘equity adjustments’), coupled with a government-forced transformation to (not so) ‘clean’ political energies, has nothing to do with classical liberalism, energy freedom, free markets, or limited-and-effective government.”

It had to happen.

With its Left Progressive donors, R Street Institute was going to march down the statist road as one initiative got replaced with another.

Founded in 2012 with climate-alarmist/Left money, R Street tried to shed into new free-market skin by pitching a seemingly soft proposal to substitute new/better government intervention for worse/existing intervention. Specifically, replace existing climate regulation with carbon-dioxide (CO2) tax-and-dividend. That was during the Obama era, assumed to turn into the Hillary era.…

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Enough! Martis Responds to Sinclair re Industrial Wind (face-to-face debate urged)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 5, 2018 6 Comments

“Kevon Martis is a ‘senior fellow’ of a Washington-based think tank, E&E Legal, which has a well-known history of support for tobacco, oil, gas, and coal interests. He can hardly be considered an unbiased presenter on energy topics…. Hopefully, in coming months as this discussion evolves, a more balanced picture of the issue can come to light.”

– Peter Sinclair, Yale Climate Connections. “Wind Turbines Could Provide Many Local Advantages.” Midland Daily News, December 17, 2017.

“My recent wind energy zoning presentation at the Bullock Creek High School on the behalf of the Ingersoll Township Concerned Citizens spawned an ill-informed Op-Ed by Peter Sinclair in which he accuses me of misleading and distorted statements and further questions my objectivity and financial motivations…. While Sinclair wishes to paint the Ingersoll meeting as a deck stacked sharply against wind energy development, the truth is that wind interests routinely refuse to share the platform with me anywhere.”

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Dear AWEA: There Are Wind Power Nuisance & Health Effects (complaints, studies large and growing)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 2, 2018 3 Comments

“The wind industry says there are no independent studies proving the turbines cause health problems.”

– Scott McFetridge (Associated Press), “New Rebellion Against Wind Energy Stalls or Stops Projects, February 20, 2018.

In “New Rebellion Against Wind Energy Stalls or Stops Projects,” Scott McFetridge brought national attention to the growing, effective pushback against government-enabled, environmentally degrading 400-foot-high industrial wind turbines.

Some quotations from his article follow (red for emphasis):

  • But when a developer sought to put up dozens more of the 400-foot towers in southern Minnesota, hundreds of people in the heart of wind country … fought back, going door-to-door to alert neighbors and circulating petitions to try to kill the project. They packed county board meetings, hired a lawyer and pleaded their case before state commissions.
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Texas’s CREZ Transmission Line: Wind Power’s $7 Billion Subsidy (ratebase socialism as ‘infrastructure improvement’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 16, 2018 5 Comments

Do not think that the wind power industry has market viability.…

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Sensing but Not Hearing: The Problem of Wind Turbine Noise (Interview with acoustician Steven Cooper, AU)

By Sherri Lange -- February 2, 2018 21 Comments Continue Reading

‘Wind Turbine Syndrome’ (Science advances, Australia judiciary takes note)

By Sherri Lange -- January 26, 2018 11 Comments Continue Reading

Tax Reform: New Uncertainties for Big Wind (political risks for a political business model)

By -- January 2, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

WSJ Letter: ‘Some Inconvenient Truths of Wind and Solar’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 13, 2017 3 Comments Continue Reading

Wind Cronyism at the Crossroads: Time to Weigh In

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 11, 2017 3 Comments Continue Reading

U.S. Tax Priorities Sack Big Wind

By -- December 5, 2017 7 Comments Continue Reading