Wind News Update: The Failure of RGGI, Ohio Safety First (June 29, 2017)

By -- June 29, 2017 1 Comment

“RGGI proponents want us to believe that the program is delivering on a global environmental promise, but the reality is the nine-state cap and trade system is a colossal failure of resource allocation that should be repealed to leave more efficient market forces.”

“During the Ohio debate, safety repeatedly took a backseat to economic opportunity. However, the problem for the wind industry is that safety is increasingly an issue as the incidence of turbine failure appears to be accelerating.”

[Editor Note: A new feature at MasterResource will periodically review important wind-related news in the US and around the world. For proponents of fuel-neutral, let-the-market-decide energy policy, as well as those opposing industrial wind turbines for environmental reasons, the news is increasingly positive. It should be highlighted and shared to motivate grassroots energy activists.

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Wind News Update: Catastrophic Failures Jump, Maryland Gets Serious (June 19, 2017)

By -- June 19, 2017 8 Comments

“Catastrophic failure with wind turbines is not new, and it’s not rare…. Recent experience shows that not much has changed in the ensuing years.”

“Those of us who follow the wind debate closely have repeatedly witnessed cases where projects were permitted despite an obvious lack of meaningful evidence on a host of topics….  The recent Maryland [Dan’s Mountain } decision provides an important precedent that other states can and should now follow.

[Editor Note: A new feature at MasterResource will periodically review important wind-related news in the US and around the world. For proponents of fuel-neutral, let-the-market-decide energy policy, as well as those opposing industrial wind turbines for environmental reasons, the news is increasingly positive. It should be highlighted and shared to motivate grassroots energy activists. MasterResource is indebted to Lisa Linowes for authoring this new series.]

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The Political Power of the Scandinavian Wind Industry (time to reveal and revolt)

By Sherri Lange -- May 31, 2017 15 Comments

“In my opinion, good journalism always has to be on the side of the weak, keeping a critical eye on all powers that be and any power – political, economical, military, industrial and religious. Good journalism is obliged to react to any repression of humans. And the way the wind industry works is – in my opinion – pure repression and abuse of democratic values.”

“The wind industry is very aggressive, and because of its poor performance, and environmental and human health impacts, it obviously does not belong anywhere. Together, world wide, we must work to educate each other about the mechanics of the wind industry; how it exploits, how it abuses power at the highest levels.  This is the substance of my new book.”

–  Peter Skeel Hjorth (interview below)

In 2014, Dr Henrik Moeller, a leading world expert on low-frequency sound, was sacked after 38 years at Aalborg University in Denmark.…

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An Environmentalist’s Protest (McKibben’s wind power hypocrisy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 3, 2017 7 Comments

Here is an energy joke that gets laughs from just about everyone except for the climate alarmists/energy coercionists:

“When is an environmentalist not an environmentalist?”

Answer: “When it comes to windpower.”

The mainstream environmentalist quandary, indeed, is lobbying for the most dilute and unreliable energies versus the real thing: dense, storable, and portable oil, gas, and coal.

The DC-based eco-crowd dismisses nuclear power as an alternative to carbon-rich energies, which led Michael Shellenberger of Environmental Progress to urge readers to not participate in last Saturday’s climate march. It’s an interesting public policy world….

Jones vs. McKibben

I was reminded of eco-tradeoffs recently when reading a grassroots challenge to activist Bill McKibben, the founder of the war-on-fossil-fuel organization 350.0rg.

The op-ed in the Vermont newspaper The Daily Digger was published back in February 2013.

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Properly Representing Wind and Solar in Electricity Systems: Electricity Generated (Part II)

By Kent Hawkins -- April 12, 2017 5 Comments Continue Reading

Properly Representing Wind and Solar in Electric Systems: Generation Capacity (Part I)

By Kent Hawkins -- April 11, 2017 22 Comments Continue Reading

Monhegan Island Offshore Wind: New DOE Should Decline $40 Million Subsidy

By Jim Lutz -- March 14, 2017 4 Comments Continue Reading

Wind Energy and Aviation Safety (Part V)

By -- March 2, 2017 3 Comments Continue Reading

US Offshore Wind: Tax Machines Offset Bad Economics

By -- February 28, 2017 1 Comment Continue Reading

DOE: Breaking the Federal Arm of the Wind Industry (Part IV)

By -- February 23, 2017 18 Comments Continue Reading