Energy & Environmental Newsletter: December 9, 2019

By -- December 9, 2019 3 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
Another Round of Energy Pork
With climate change Science and Economics should be paramount
Ontario saves $500± Million by dumping wind turbines
Expect the ECB to Use a “Climate Crisis” to Justify Their Next Stimulus Plan
Rolls Royce wants innovative financing for its first-of-a-kind nuclear SMRs
Short video: Gates Goes Nuclear
Bitter Cold Stops Coal, While Nuclear Power Excels
Nuclear Power isn’t Green Enough for Germany
Archive: Solar Produces 300 times more waste than Nuclear does
Why “Green” Energy is a Terrible Idea
Green Energy Studies: Consulting, or Advertising?

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Climate Futility at COP 25: The China Syndrome

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 5, 2019 3 Comments

The battle against dense, mineral energies is stymied because of a simple concept that the climate alarmists (including the mainstream media) do not want to comprehend: energy density.

Consumers want the best energies, while an intellectual/political elite scheme for and mandate inferior substitutes. And the crusade is further complicated because carbon dioxide (CO2) is the green greenhouse gas, hardly the satanic gas the anti-industrial Left wants to ban.

As energy density drives the world’s daily work, how are the climate crusaders responding? One major complaint concerns the frontal push of China to coal-fired generation.

Jennifer Layke of the World Resources Institute deals with the elephant in the room as follows:

As the world turns attention to the UN climate meetings this week, news from China has captured global headlines: From January 2018 to June 2019, the country added 43 gigawatts (GW) of net new coal power capacity to its existing 1,000 GW coal fleet, while the rest of the world collectively reduced coal capacity by 8 GW.

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Climate Conundrum: Revisiting a 2016 Discussion (when Hillary was going to win)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 3, 2019 1 Comment

“Despite mounting climate impacts and radio silence from politicians, media and other important players, the panelists were hopeful that climate change will soon earn the attention it deserves.” (World Resources Institute, 2016)

Just prior to the 2016 election (which Hillary was going to win, of course), a group of leading climate alarmists opined about why they were losing in the court of public opinion. “If Climate Change Is the Existential Crisis of Our Age, Why Isn’t it Getting More Attention?” by Sarah Parsons of World Resources Institute (October 28, 2016) is reprinted below (with yellow headings inserted). My final comment follows.

Sarah Parsons asks “What Gives” about the “existential crisis” that received very little attention in the Presidential election.

The evidence is everywhere. Drought dries up farmland from California to the Sahel.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: November 25, 2019

By -- November 25, 2019 4 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:
NYS Health Board advocates 1.5 setbacks and 35 dBA noise limits
Short video: True Costs of Renewables – the Texas Lesson
When wind turbines die, the problems are just beginning
10 Times the Wind Industry Claimed it Supported Ending Its Tax Credits
The NY Governor’s well paid wind-power liars
Wind ‘on its knees’ as profits vanish, says industry pioneer
Weighing the Cost of Offshore Wind
Wind Turbines – Why the FAA Fails to Ensure Air Safety
Dangerous Impact of Wind Turbines on Radar
Top GE engineer lifts lid on wind turbine collapse probe findings
Solar Panels Produce Tons of Toxic Waste—Literally
Russia’s opportunistic partnership with Africa
NYS Governor Needs to Stop Pandering to Environmentalists
Restore Electricity Market Integrity to Ensure Grid Reliability
Report: Energy Utopias and Engineering Reality
Military Opposes Proposed Pennsylvania Wind Project
The Fossil Fuel Dilemma
Response to proposed US GREEN energy act

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Exchange with a Climate Alarmist at Desmog Blog (unmasking emotion, anger on the other side)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 20, 2019 4 Comments Continue Reading

Energy Progress: Trump Remarks at the New York Economic Club (November 12, 2019)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 18, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading

Trump on the American Energy Revolution (9th Annual Shale Insight Conference, Pittsburgh)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 29, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: October 28, 2019

By -- October 28, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading

CNN Report: China Proudly Going Coal (clean, new generation plants at forefront)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 22, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading

Institute of Economic Affairs vs. Climate Censorship

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 16, 2019 3 Comments Continue Reading