Last Dance for IPCC Group II Report? (NYT’s Gillis, alarmism go wobbly)

By James Rust -- April 9, 2014 1 Comment

“Natural forces causing climate change such as solar sunspots, earth’s orbit changes, ocean currents, volcanoes, etc. are considered unimportant during this period of increased fossil-fuel-produced carbon dioxide (mid-20th century to the present).  This is a serious distortion of the simple meaning of the term climate change.”

On March 31, the New York Times featured an article by Justin Gillis “Panel’s Warning on Climate Risk:  Worst is Yet to Come” that reported findings in the just released UN IPCC Working Group II report “Climate Change 2014:  Impacts, Adaption, and Vulnerability”.

The 44-page Summary For Policymakers defines climate change as follows:

Note that the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in its Article 1, defines climate change as: “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.”

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“Killing Wildlife In the Name of Climate Change” (Part II: Gas, Nuclear, Little Else)

By Robert Bryce -- March 20, 2014 No Comments

[Editor note: Robert Bryce, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, is a leading researcher and disseminator of the problems of ‘green’ energy. His February 25, 2014, testimony before the Senate Committee on the Environmental and Public Works was published yesterday and today.]

In discussing energy sources, we must cast aside the social marketing of renewable energy and discard pre-conceived notions as to what qualifies as “green.” Instead, we must focus on basic physics and math.

I am an ardent proponent of nuclear energy because of its negligible carbon dioxide emissions and its incredibly high power density. No other form of energy production can produce as much energy from such a small footprint as a nuclear reactor. This is due to basic physics. Allow me to explain this by using a common metric in physics: power density, which is a measure of the energy flow that can be harnessed from a given area, volume, or mass.…

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Obama’s 2015 Budget: Wish List Climate Spending ($10.8 billion for what?)

By Megan Toombs -- March 12, 2014 2 Comments

The federal government is $17.5 trillion in debt with this amount increasing at more than a half-trillion per year. Yet the Obama Administration has just proposed a budget that increases spending. It’s business as usual in D.C.!

President Obama Fiscal Year 2015 Budget, released last week, is a wish-list for the Administration’s pet programs. It has already been derided by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, but that does not make it irrelevant. It signals the goals of the Obama Administration going forward.

Included in the $3.9 trillion budget is $10.8 billion earmarked for climate change-related initiatives in addition to the $7.9 billion EPA budget. That makes a total of $18.7 billion of your money.

Where would this money go?

Climate Resilience Fund: $1 Billion

The Climate Resilience Fund, created to aid Americans preparing for a changing climate.

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: February 10, 2014

By -- February 10, 2014 No Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at, which is a wealth of energy and environmental resources.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.


Greed Energy Economics:

London School of Economics: Property Values do Decline

23 Texas wind project lessors sue over noise, nuisance and property value

Noise, property values factor in wind forum discussion

Renewable Energy Goals Must Be Balanced with Economic Realities

CAP counts ‘indirect jobs’ in green energy, ignores them for oil and gas

Germany to charge renewable energy facilities for their own use of electricity

Germany’s energy revolution on verge of collapse

Europe Starts To Run, Not Walk, Away From Green Economics

DOE: Making it easier to use taxpayer funds

Governor LePage is right – wind farm subsidies are poor use of government funding

High Renewable Energy Costs Damage Vermont’s Economy

Some wind projects double-dipping on US tax benefits

Be Leery of Investing in Failing Green Solutions

Duke Energy to seek reduction in payments to NC homes with solar panels

Solar Panel Degradation

Another solar manufacturer goes under

Loss Of Production Tax Credits Brings Big Wind Chill

Fighting wind PTC expiration with Senator Wyden

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California Energy Update: Part II

By -- October 30, 2013 3 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: October 28, 2013

By -- October 28, 2013 2 Comments Continue Reading

Back at Ya, IPCC: ‘Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science’ (Part II)

By -- September 24, 2013 26 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Newsletter: June 24, 2013

By -- June 24, 2013 6 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: 4/1/13

By -- April 1, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Power Density Separates the Wheat from the Chaff

By Kent Hawkins -- February 20, 2013 7 Comments Continue Reading