A Free-Market Energy Blog

The Politicized Texas Grid: Sheridan Calls for Transparency (and Mea Culpas)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 26, 2024

“Our affection for Texas runs deep, but so does our concern over its grid. It’s time for a candid conversation about the state’s energy policies—one that acknowledges the true costs and challenges of a blindly pro-renewables approach and seeks solutions that ensure the resilience of the grid and the well-being of Texans.” (Doug Sheridan, below)

Texas is turning to government-aided natural gas to fix its broken political grid. Yes, wind and solar did that in one of the natural gas meccas of the world.

Doug Sheridan, a reliable voice on social media, posted this at LinkedIn:

It was big news last week that the Texas PUC received 125 applications for 56 GW of new gas-fired generation. The legislation behind the initiative—which appropriates $5B in state grants and loan guarantees to the plants—was intended to spur 10 GW of new gas-fired capacity on ERCOT.…

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Electricity Statism Conference: Kiesling Rides High

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 25, 2024

“This conference is not about free market reform; it is about centrally planned wholesale markets for electricity, as well as open-ended subsidies for wind, solar, and batteries, all at the expense of thermal generation and free-market order.”

The title says it all: Integrating Science and Law & Economics to Inform Energy Policy in a Decarbonized Future.” And the conference is loaded with electricity statists and ‘clean’ energy activists, all experts (as in expert failure and scientism), with plans to tweak/expand government planning in a failed, failing government system. In political terms, it is Biden’s “all of government” all the way.

The premise of the two-day conference is flawed. “Science” in the title suggests the scientific (physical and social) debate behind Net Zero/forced energy transformation. “Law & Economics” is a discipline that certainly questions the vague idea of “decarbonization.”…

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Energy & Environmental Review: June 24, 2024

By -- June 24, 2024

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Renewable energy subsidies undermine our economy

Unreliables (General):
*** The big renewable energy lie
*** EPA Regulations & the Future of Grid Reliability
*** Good Observations re Battery Systems
*** Stop Energy Sprawl
Net Zero Energy Storage Presents a Battery of Problems
Local opposition to renewable energy projects ‘widespread and growing’: Columbia University report

Wind Energy — Offshore:
Offshore wind energy will come at a high cost to Northeast taxpayers
Floating wind madness in Maine
Highway funds illegally used for floating wind factories

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
*** Risch Goes Beast Mode on Tracy Stone-Manning re Idaho Wind Project
*** Lessons from Germany’s Wind Power Disaster – A Decade Later
*** Study: The role of rare earth elements in wind energy and electric mobility
Windless nights make net zero impossible
Good pix of the base of a typical modern wind turbine
Industrial Wind Turbines and their Wimpy Ways
Iowa farmer regrets signing wind turbine lease after both turbines on her land burned to the ground 

Solar Energy:
Lazard’s Low-End LCOE Estimates for Solar Are Still Too Optimistic
Solar Company Collapses, Customers Furious as Dems’ Favorite Power Source Leaves Homeowners High and Dry

Nuclear Energy:
*** In Wyoming, Bill Gates moves ahead with nuclear project aimed at revolutionizing power generation

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Restoring Sanity, Reliability, and Affordability to the Texas Electric Grid

By -- June 20, 2024
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Will “Green New Deal” Failures Elect Trump?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 19, 2024
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Renewables vs. Environment: Hans Wolkers humbles Climate Reality Project, Kahli Burke

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 18, 2024
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EDF Loves Political Capitalism (an exchange)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 17, 2024
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UK Climate Thug Gets 10 Months (breaking windows at JPMorgan Chase)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 14, 2024
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End All Energy Subsidies Now! (Ronald Reagan remembered)

By Greg Rehmke -- June 13, 2024
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‘Skeptical Science’ Gets Comeuppance on Social Media

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 12, 2024
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