Chris Tomlinson (Houston Chronicle) in the Church of Climate

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 23, 2023 1 Comment

“’We fundamentally have to transform our economy in ways that are unimaginable to people who are over 40,’ Tomlinson said. ‘We have to cooperate, innovate and compromise, and most of all, we have to set aside our pride.’”

“[Tomlinson] said there is an unwillingness of pastors of all faiths to address climate change, knowing that many of their parishioners are involved in or invested in oil and gas.”

The Houston Chronicle business editorialist, Chris Tomlinson, is angry, impatient, and closed-minded when it comes to all things climate. A bona fide climate alarmist, he bullies the oil and gas industry to stop what they are doing. He wants Texans to stop eating meat to help save the planet. And he personally tells me in emails that I am not considered for his columns because I am critical about him (so be it).…

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Houston Chronicle: Unpublished ‘Letters to the Editor’ (cancelling me)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 1, 2023 1 Comment

“The Houston Chronicle editorialists can cancel me, but they cannot cancel energy density and the perils of dilute, intermittent substitutes for real, stock energies. Reality bats last, and climate alarm and the ‘energy transition’ are doing very poorly outside of getting government favor to keep the mirage going. It is sad that political cronies are the only winners in the futile crusade, and real challenges, opportunity, and need are foregone.”

My longtime hometown paper, The Houston Chronicle, always left-of-center, has gone fully climate alarmist and glowingly reports about the “energy transition”. The paper reports as a PR department with some real energy news (the booming fossil fuel industries) thrown in. Nothing bad about wind and solar except that there is not enough subsidy to make it go faster against the entrenched fossil fuel interests.…

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Tomlinson’s Beef against Beef (Houston Chronicle editorialist says we’re irrational)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 29, 2022 4 Comments

“No wonder so many Texans refuse to acknowledge climate change; the planet’s fate relies on transforming not only our economy but our culture.”

“It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that climate change might come to a screeching halt if all humans switched to electric transportation and a vegetarian diet by 2030.”

It can be said: the climate alarmists worship at the alter of deep ecology. How else to explain why the parishioners of the Church of Climate refuse to question their premises or consider real-world roadblocks to their starry-eyed agenda?

Why do they refuse to seriously consider the eco-downsides of industrial wind turbines, solar slabs, and batteries–and the eco-benefits of CO2 enrichment and a moderately warmer and moister world?

All this in the face of alleged climate anxiety….…

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Amy Myers Jaffe Disses Oil, Gas, and Houston

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 31, 2022 5 Comments

“Amy Meyers Jaffe, Chris Tomlinson, Jeffrey Sachs–so confident, so angry, so wrong about energy. In psychological terms, they are in denial about climate exaggeration and the verdict from energy density for consumer wants and necessities.”

“Other (pre-Jaffe) ‘Kodak Moments’ dissing fossil fuels have been published in 2015 here; 2016 here; 2018 here; 2019 here and here; and 2021 here. Idea plagiarism?”

CERAWeek 2022 was a rude comeuppance for the hyper-critics [haters?] of oil and gas, who found themselves marginalized not only by world events but also by the Biden Administration itself. Drill, baby, drill was the word from DOE’s First Lady. [1] But Houston Chronicle business editorialist Chris Tomlinson had to get his punches in, embarrassingly so given his strong emotions and elephantine conflict of interest.…

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CERA vs. WPC: Tomlinson (Houston Chronicle) Digs In

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 22, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Naked Climate Alarmism: Tomlinson on the Take

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 22, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Tomlinson Bullies the “Bullying” Oil Industry

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 14, 2021 6 Comments Continue Reading

Chris Tomlinson Gets Ugly against Petroleum (Houston Chronicle bias shines through)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 9, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

Getting in the Houston Chronicle (back window better than nothing, I guess)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 28, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

On the Houston Chronicle’s Editorial Crusade Against Fossil Fuels

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 10, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading