Energy and Environmental Review: February 28, 2022

By -- February 28, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** The green industrial revolution is a lie
*** Wind farms were paid not to generate HALF their potential electricity

Wind Energy:
*** Limits to Green Energy Are Becoming Much Clearer
*** America’s Power Grid Is Increasingly Unreliable
The stampede of green lemmings
Wind Energy Developer Compares Opponents To Hitler And The Holocaust
Offshore Wind Power Has a Long Way to Go in America
One Year After Texas Blackouts, ERCOT Expects Massive Increase in Solar and Wind Capacity
Lies My Wind Developer Told Me

Solar Energy:
Large Western NY Solar Project In Planning Stages
China Extracts Yet Another Favor from Biden to Sell Us Solar
Spain’s Solar Energy Crisis: 62,000 People Bankrupt After Investing in Solar Panels
Wind and Solar expansion is a threat to biodiversity — but by how much?

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Lies My Wind Developer Told Me

By Kevon Martis -- February 25, 2022 10 Comments

Ed Note: This post is based on a February 5, 2022, speech by Kevon Martis at Montcalm County Citizens United’s “Big Wind Go Home” rally in Trufant, Michigan.

“Lesson learned: Wind developers are not a reliable source of information when devising a wind ordinance. They will say whatever it takes to get their projects approved, even if they contradict themselves the next town over.”

The wind zoning regulations demanded by Apex Clean Energy company (APEX) in Montcalm County are demonstrably irresponsible and should be resisted.

APEX will no doubt make great hay out of my speaking at a rally called Big Wind Go Home and, in fact, APEX land agent Dan Paris already is. But I am here to tell you that it is your fundamental right to tell government-created, unnecessary, invasive Big Wind: You are not welcome here on the terms you propose.

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“As Anti-Wind Zoning Ordinances Spread Across Michigan” (grass-root environmentalists vs. energy sprawl)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 10, 2022 5 Comments

“The [Michigan] ordinances cite the potential negative consequences of wind turbines such as falling ice thrown by the blades of turbines, the flickering of shadows from the blades on nearby structures (shadow flicker), sleep disturbance caused by noise, and long-term health consequences of sound, also known as ‘infrasound’.”

When it comes to government-enabled, anti-consumer energy sprawl, local citizens have a say over unneeded, duplicative, invasive industrial wind projects. This is very bad news for the rickety supply-side strategy led by industrial wind. Real grassroot environmentalists are at war with Washington, D.C. Big Environmentalism, as well as the business rent-seekers making Bad Profit (as versus Good Profit).

The Progressive Left includes the pro-wind “investigative Watchdog Blog” Checks & Balances Project. Their “As Anti-Wind Zoning Ordinances Spread Across Michigan, Ordinances’ Language Varies Little” (November 10, 2021) recently reported on the growing movement against wind-turbine siting in a factual, lawyers-need-to-know basis.…

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Are Wind Opponents “Nazis”? (Dan Paris thinks so)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 12, 2022 1 Comment

“The Interstate Informed Citizens Coalition …. uses false messages about wind and solar energy to engage biases against change, to stoke fear about renewable energy based on these false narratives, and incite otherwise good people into truly awful behavior.”

“The IICC will find local opposition, help them create social media pages, and provide misinformation links: studies done by fringe researchers, anecdotal stories of sleepless citizens, townships burning, counties abandoned, school buses bombarded with “ice-fling,” and two-headed chickens.” (Dan Paris, below)

His letter-to-the-editor “was written not under the direction or guidance of any wind development company, but in service to Dan’s God, his family, his community and humanity. In that particular order.” But one Dan Paris happens to be a longtime industrial wind developer in Gratiot Country, Michigan, and Kevon Martis (see yesterday) is getting in the way of his projects.…

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Kevon Martis Winning? Wind/Solar Targets His Message

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 11, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Nuclear Power Shunned by Climate Alarmists: Why?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 21, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Martis in the Solar and Wind Fight: The Latest

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 30, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Martis vs. Smucker: Industrial Wind on Defense

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

Ed Rivet vs. Kevon Martis: Renewables Imposter at Work

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 2, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Wind and Solar Ramp-up Problematic (mainstream recognition of grassroots environmentalism)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 28, 2020 1 Comment Continue Reading