Appreciating the Master Resource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 2, 2024 1 Comment

Energy is ubiquitous to modern industrial life. It is the fourth factor of production in addition to the textbook triad of land, labor, and capital. Julian Simon coined the term master resource to describe the resource of resources, energy.

Energy as been recognized as a unique driver of economic activity and human betterment for almost two centuries–about as long as carbon-based energies came to be recognized as a sea change from the inherently dilute, unreliable renewable energies of before. The Industrial Revolution was enabled by coal, the energy required by the new machinery, as W. S. Jevons so brilliantly saw in his day.

The quotations below, some classic, resonate as well or better today than ever before. They are as ‘right” as the peak-oil quotations (compiled here and here) have been wrong.…

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“Global Warming: A Dialogue” (Adler’s Judicial Activism Considered)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 16, 2023 No Comments

“Speculative incremental harm from a multi-decade global phenomenon has a classical liberal option: civil society charity. Uber-wealthy climate-related foundations can evaluate the harms to poor island villagers from sea level rise (as an example). But keep politicized science, global judicial activism, and backdoor Big Brother out of it.”

By 2004, after Jonathan Adler reversed positions to endorse climate policy activism, the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) published a dialogue where Professor Adler defended his tort approach to address anthropogenic climate change with several classical liberals. Excerpts from “Global Warming: A Dialogue” follow.

This discussion is an edited version of comments made in December 2004 on the Free Market Environmentalism (FME) Roundtable list-serve. Jonathan Adler prodded his colleagues to forget, for just a minute, the debate over the impacts of warmer temperatures or whether humans are contributing or not.…

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Adler on Bradley: A Response

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 15, 2023 No Comments

“A serious rebuttal to my review would require Adler et al. to get into climate science rather than assuming CO2 as a ‘pollutant’. It would also require a much deeper look into climate economics….”

Previous posts this week have presented the case by Jonathan Adler (et al.) against climate policy activism based on the precautionary principle (here) and Alder’s turn in academia toward activism (here). Today’s post answers some very brief arguments made by Adler in response to my critical review of his new book, Climate Liberalism: Perspectives on Liberty, Property, and Pollution.

Adler’s criticisms involve either erroneous statements or non-sequiturs.

“Robert L. Bradley, Jr. of the Institute for Energy Research offers less favorable commentary on the book at Law & Liberty (which previously ran a favorable review).”…

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Julian Simon Memorial Award 2023: Comments of David Simon

By David Simon -- October 2, 2023 No Comments

Ed. Note: For posts at MasterResource on the comments of Julian Simon award recipients, see the appendix below.

This past February marked 25 years since my father’s death.  In 2001, CEI began awarding the Julian Simon Memorial Award. My family deeply appreciates not only that CEI established this award, but also that CEI now has continued this award for 23 years.

The first award went to my father’s long-time collaborator, Stephen Moore. Steve, by the way, now leads the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. I hope you all subscribe to the Committee’s excellent and free Hotline.

This year’s award recipients, Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley, began working together a few years ago on a very ambitious project that last year reached an apex with the publication of their book, Superabundance.…

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Climate Crazy? Andrew Griffiths’ “Ecocide” Threat

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 10, 2023 2 Comments Continue Reading

EVs in the 1990s

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 6, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Peak Gas: A Forecasting Failure of Henry Groppe Jr.

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 7, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

Private Property Rights vs. Industrial Wind/Solar: Reply to Giberson

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 15, 2023 2 Comments Continue Reading

Electricity Policy: An Exchange with Lynne Kiesling (more evasion, statism from a “classical liberal”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 11, 2023 13 Comments Continue Reading

A Try at Electric Vehicles: Samuel Insull a Century Ago

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 3, 2023 3 Comments Continue Reading