DeSmog’s 1,000: A Badge of Honor

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 10, 2023 2 Comments

“Power DeSmog into 2023,” the headline of a year-end fundraising appeal read. “We’re closing in on 1,000 profiles across our databases, which demands a lot of our team’s time to update and build. Every donation helps!”

The rest of the appeal read:

Every day, our global team of researchers continues to expand and update our Climate Disinformation Database, Koch Network Database, and Agribusiness Database. These critical resources collect information on individuals and organizations responsible for casting doubt on climate science and delaying climate action. VICE describes DeSmog as the “thorn in the side of corporate climate denial” — a badge of honor we’re proud to wear!

Several months ago, I celebrated the DeSmog blitz with a post, “Climate “Disinformation Everywhere! (winning against alarmism)“. I wrote:

At some point, the climate alarmists are going to have to wonder if the universe of “climate denial” and “climate skepticism” is growing so large that the real outliers are themselves.

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Steven Koonin: Guilty as Charged (DeSmog’s Hall of Fame)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 7, 2022 2 Comments

“DeSmog’s methodology of listing the ‘denier’ qualifications, quotations, and activities–as if the debate was settled toward climate alarmism and forced energy transformation–is utterly unconvincing. Their growing list is impressive and a badge of honor, so let their project continue.”

Stephen Koonin has done much to help “mainstream” the problems with alarmism based on climate modelling–at least for the open-minded and curious. Humility must rule in the face of radical complexity. After all, what can be known in the absence of causal physical equations that are sub-grid scale anyway?

Climate models cannot be expected to “get it right,” if earth modeling is even possible. This is why data-data-data can and should drive the climate sensitivity debate.

Professor Koonin has been profiled relative to Andrew Dessler at MasterResource (here and here).…

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Doug Sheridan on the Growing Recognition of Fossil Fuel Morality

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 28, 2022 1 Comment

“Thank you Doug Sheridan. Thank you Alex Epstein. Thank you Robert Bryce. Thank you David Siegel. And many others…. The great middle is coming your way on the polarized energy/climate issue.”

Doug Sheridan, an energy consultant with EnergyPoint Research in Houston, has tens of thousands of followers on LinkedIn. He is an energy realist and speaks truth to power on energy and climate in a scholarly tone. And his message is resonating well in the mineral energy sector and beyond.

I was struck by his recent post describing the growing recognition of the vital role of mineral energies (vs. dilute, intermittent, infrastructure-heavy, government-dependent wind and solar). Sheridan piggybacks on an article by the U.S. reporter for the Financial Times, Derek Brower.

Sheridan’s post follows:

Derek Brower writes in the FT, pro-oil voices are suddenly bolder, swatting aside environmentalists for having the gall to worry about the climate during a global energy crisis.…

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What Environmentalists Don’t Know About Petroleum (that last 30 percent)

By -- October 26, 2022 2 Comments

Environmentalists fighting to ban oil and gas need to learn about the 30 percent of the barrel they ignore when they espouse a world powered exclusively by electricity generated by renewables. Replacing the organic properties of petroleum is a life-threatening void in the hubris of the enemies of mineral energies.

…it is estimated industrialized nations currently consume petrochemical products at a rate of 3.5 gallons of oil per day per person.

A recent opinion column in the Wall Street Journal, “You Can’t Build Roads Without Oil,” pointed out the fallacy of the “keep it in the ground” movement against fossil fuels. Forced energy transformationists want an end to the internal combustion engine and shuttered fossil-fuel-fired power plants. It is a wind-and-solar world with existing nuclear plants maybe to continue.…

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Wind Power: What’s New? (summary from 1932/33)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 19, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

‘Greenwashing’ Corporate Profits amid Political, Media Pressure (it’s what you get …)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 6, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Hansen on Climate/Energy Policy: An Evaluation and Rebuttal

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 28, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Book Review: “How the World Really Works” (Vaclav Smil)

By -- June 15, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Vaclav Smil: Antidote to Magical Thinking

By Richard W. Fulmer -- May 12, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

DeSmog on Vaclav Smil (this deep thinker is largely correct)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 28, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading