Are Grassroot Wind/Solar Foes ‘Cultish’? (Peter Sinclair vs. Kevon Martis again)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 3, 2023 2 Comments

“A major player in the renewable energy opposition in rural Michigan is Kevon Martis, who works for E&E Legal, a D.C.-based lobbying firm that gets funding from the fossil fuel industry.” (Sinclair, below)

“Those are the people funding Peter Sinclair: huge fossil fuel entities. Yet he plays the fossil fuel card against me when I have never received a dime from any fossil entity unless you count my cashback credit card used for gasoline purchases!” (Martis, below)

DC-based Big Environmentalism has a grassroots problem: local residents who do not like or want super-sized industrial wind turbines and multi-acre solar slabs. It is more than NIMBY since taxpayer dollars put such (unneeded, duplicative) machinery in play. But also respect the opposition’s rational concern about mega-machinery noise, visual blight, health effects, and property devaluation.…

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Chris Tomlinson (Houston Chronicle) in the Church of Climate

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 23, 2023 1 Comment

“’We fundamentally have to transform our economy in ways that are unimaginable to people who are over 40,’ Tomlinson said. ‘We have to cooperate, innovate and compromise, and most of all, we have to set aside our pride.’”

“[Tomlinson] said there is an unwillingness of pastors of all faiths to address climate change, knowing that many of their parishioners are involved in or invested in oil and gas.”

The Houston Chronicle business editorialist, Chris Tomlinson, is angry, impatient, and closed-minded when it comes to all things climate. A bona fide climate alarmist, he bullies the oil and gas industry to stop what they are doing. He wants Texans to stop eating meat to help save the planet. And he personally tells me in emails that I am not considered for his columns because I am critical about him (so be it).…

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Climate Anxiety: A Simple Cure (Heartland conference: February 23–25, 2023)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 6, 2023 3 Comments

“Do you have a loved one or just friend who needs to escape a mental rut about climate alarm and forced energy transformation? Someone with intellect and passion to examine the other side of a supposedly ‘closed’ debate? Someone who might even reverse course to challenge climate exaggeration, energy statism, and global government? This conference is for them.”

Bill McKibben writes a series for The New Yorker, “Climate Change: Documenting the Unfolding Environmental Crisis.” His most recent entry, “Climate Anxiety Makes Good Sense,” begins:

Even as we begin to emerge from the stress of the pandemic year, mental-health professionals are noting a steady uptick in a different form of anxiety—the worry over climate change and the future that it will bring.

He refers to surveys showing “about forty per cent of Americans feeling ‘disgusted’ or ‘helpless’ about global warming, and a poll from the American Psychiatric Association finding that more than half of the respondents were concerned about the effects of climate change on their mental health.”…

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Energy and Environmental Review: January 16, 2023

By -- January 16, 2023 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Renewable Energy: Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
*** Short video: The Disturbing Reality of Cobalt Mining for Rechargeable Batteries

Renewables (General):
*** Don’t Fall For “Feel Good” Where Evil Lurks
*** Duke Energy’s “Black Christmas”: Outrageous Story of the Week
*** Short video: Rick Perry – We can’t let climate alarmists drive us from energy reality
Never-opened $300 million-plus biofuels refinery facing foreclosure in Oregon
Green Energy Infatuation Puts Millions at Risk of Death
Researchers work toward harnessing ocean energy to power devices

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** New NOAA map shows North Atlantic Right Whales in very same areas targeted for offshore wind development
*** NJ congressman demands investigation into whether offshore wind projects are killing whales
*** Whales on losing side of wind energy
In the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, a Quiet Reckoning Over Offshore Wind
The silly giant scale of US offshore wind development

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Energy and Environmental Review: December 5, 2022

By -- December 5, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Environmentalists Petition EPA to Ban Natural Gas Use in Buildings

By -- September 9, 2022 7 Comments Continue Reading

Simon Kinsella vs. South Fork Offshore Wind (eco-issues aplenty)

By Sherri Lange -- September 1, 2022 7 Comments Continue Reading

NYT Climate Reporting: Some Realism amid Political Retreat

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 22, 2022 3 Comments Continue Reading

Epstein’s ‘Fossil Future’

By -- June 22, 2022 4 Comments Continue Reading

Gee Whiz! Residents Do Not Like Wind Turbines (E&E News report)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 31, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading