Will “Green New Deal” Failures Elect Trump?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 19, 2024 No Comments

“A Clean Energy Transition should be occurring but not with the RECKLESS STUPIDITY enhancing the possibility of Trump Again!” (Robert Bibbo, below)

Robert Bibbo, self-described environmental energy analyst and observer, lamented a while back on the growing popularity of Trump relative to President Biden. He stated:

This New York Times Poll Shows Trump Leading in 5 Battleground States. A Point In Time Not Election Day Certainty. Nevertheless! Never Ever Trumpers Should be Concerned.

Bibbo then brought in some historical analysis:

In 2016 The Democratic Brain Trust saddled Hilary with a Clean Power Plant 1 War on Coal. Krugman opines 2x (NYTs) that CPP 1 delivered PA, MI & WI (46 EC votes) to elect Trump45. In 2020 those 46 votes elected Biden. Heading into 2024 the Brain Trust has saddled Biden with a Clean Power Plan 2 War on Fossil Fuels.

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Renewables vs. Environment: Hans Wolkers humbles Climate Reality Project, Kahli Burke

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 18, 2024 1 Comment

“And this is just the beginning. Large-scale deployment of ‘renewables’ will result in an ecological disaster.” (Hans Wolkers, PhD., below)

Climate alarmists are having a hard time on the business social media giant LinkedIn. Previous posts have documented the one-sided alarmism of Skeptical Science; a case of climate thuggery; an ad hominem backfire; time-series data evasion; ExxonMobil “whistleblowing“; and Greenpeace and Enron.

It is time to add to this list. The Climate Reality Project posted this message and picture on LinkedIn:

We have a responsibility to lead the way in advocating for hashtag#cleanenergy and climate action. Together, we will create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. hashtag#LeadOnClimate hashtag#saveourplanet

I responded: “That child must wonder about industrializing the green space. Pretty gross….”…

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EDF Loves Political Capitalism (an exchange)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 17, 2024 2 Comments

“EDF is all-in with the political capitalism bribe game, the we-all-can-make-money-so-join-in. But some of us actually respect consumers, taxpayers, and freedom. And intellectual argumentation.”

On LinkedIn, the IPCC posted:

Did climate change cause that recent extreme event in my country? While it is difficult to identify the exact causes of a particular extreme event, the relatively new science of event attribution can quantify the role of climate change in altering the probability & magnitude of some types of weather & climate extremes.

There is strong evidence that characteristics of many individual extreme events have already changed because of human-driven changes to the climate system.

I responded to the alarm/renewables push:

Oh: wind and solar in Texas: “Yesterday, ERCOT issued a notice of ‘possible future Emergency Condition of reserve capacity deficiency’ for Friday & Saturday nights.”

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UK Climate Thug Gets 10 Months (breaking windows at JPMorgan Chase)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 14, 2024 1 Comment

“I wonder if the court or a charity could provide Amy Pritchard (and other members of Extinction Rebellion) with a few books to quell her alarmism, one book being Alex Epstein’s Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas–Not Less.”

A UK judge has reinforced the law that has climate alarmists up in protest. His was a good decision. But on LinkedIn, Ben Tolhurst, a climate busy body, complained:

My friend Amy [Pritchard of Extinction Rebellion] was jailed for 10 months this morning by judge Silas Reid for cracking a window [no, three windows costing $350,000] of JPMorgan Chase & Co., the world’s biggest funder of fossil fuels. I had the privilege of hearing her summing up speech last week and was sure that even the most hard hearted would be moved by her account of why she took the action.

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End All Energy Subsidies Now! (Ronald Reagan remembered)

By Greg Rehmke -- June 13, 2024 1 Comment Continue Reading

‘Skeptical Science’ Gets Comeuppance on Social Media

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 12, 2024 7 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Review: June 10, 2024

By -- June 10, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Industrial Wind Power: A Depleting Resource?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 6, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading

Permanent Tax Subsidy? Solar’s 15 extensions

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 4, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

“All of the Above” — Bad Energy Policy

By -- June 3, 2024 4 Comments Continue Reading