The Brave Judith Curry (one plus the truth equals a majority)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 6, 2015 14 Comments

Those interested in energy and climate policy should subscribe to Climate, Etc., hosted by Judith Curry, the fearless one-woman truth seeker in the polarized climate debate. Professor Curry, who is very well credentialed — and respected by the quiet climatologists, not only the so-called skeptics — is arguably the most important voice in the physical science side of today’s climate debate. Not only is her research at the cutting edge of the unsettled science, she regularly, accurately, and fearlessly reports the latest in the science debates

Professor Curry recently testified before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, which held a hearing, “The President’s UN Climate Pledge: Scientifically Justified or a New Tax on Americans?” She then answered follow-up questions, from which the indented answers are drawn.…

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Judith Curry vs. Climate Alarmism (Jon and Jerry–are you listening?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 16, 2015 6 Comments

“Recent data and research supports the importance of natural climate variability and calls into question the conclusion that humans are the dominant cause of recent climate change.”

– Judith Curry, Congressional testimony of April 15, 2015 (see below)

“I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing, but it’s not helping the cause, or her professional credibility.”

—Dr. Michael Mann, IPCC Lead Author, disclosed Climategate e-mail, May 30, 2008.

A major development in the history of the physical climate-change debate occurred when respected mainstream climatologist Judith Curry parted ways with an increasingly conflicted, even corrupted, mainstream of neo-Malthusian, Left-of-Center, rent-seeking (crony) scientists. No, the debate is not about global warming (agreed) or a human influence on climate (agreed); it is the predestined conclusion of  ‘consensus’ science that any human influence on global climate is bad-to-catastrophic, not benign or positive.…

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Scientific Communication: Preach or Engage? (Judith Curry vs. AGU climate bias)

By Chip Knappenberger -- December 16, 2011 7 Comments

“Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is going to cost a lot (both in terms of dollars and effort), and it is going to produce few if any demonstrable climate results for decades to come (if ever).” 

The scientific community—or especially that part of it which holds the opinion that not enough is being done to mitigate potential climate change—is struggling with why the general public (and hence policymakers) are not heeding their call to action on global warming.

In a recent post, I pointed to one reason: the fast diminishing role that any U.S.-side mitigation would have in curbing greenhouse gas emissions enough to measurably affect global climate. This is a classic bang-for-the-buck evaluation. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is going to cost a lot (both in terms of dollars and effort), and it is going to produce few if any demonstrable climate results for decades to come (if ever).…

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Judith Curry Looks for Middle Ground in the Contentious Climate Debate (Jerry North, can you help her?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 27, 2010 4 Comments

“I am not afraid about the climate.”

– Judith Curry, quoted in Alexandre Mansur, “American Researcher Says That There Is Still a lot of Uncertainty About Global Warming, Época, May 1, 2010.

“Real Climate, I think they’ve damaged their brand. They started out doing something that people liked, but they’ve been too partisan in a scientific way.”

– Judith Curry, quoted in Eric Berger, “Judith Curry: On Antarctic sea ice, Climategate and skeptics.” August 18, 2010.

There is solid middle ground in the ever-contentious climate-change debate. And now is the time to welcome it, given that politics is not going to reverse in any detectable amount the human influence on climate.

And the shame of the post-Climategate era is that other scientists like Curry did not join her to right the wrongs of a profession that has become politicized, agendacized, and Malthusiancized.

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Energy & Environmental Review: June 10, 2024

By -- June 10, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Review: May 13, 2024

By -- May 13, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

California Floating Wind Turbines? Environmental Pushback

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 2, 2024 3 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Review: February 19, 2024

By -- February 19, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Cowen on ‘Fossil Future’: Expert Failure?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 15, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Gunnar Schade: Another Bad Climate Apple at Texas A&M?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 13, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading