California Floating Wind Turbines? Environmental Pushback

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 2, 2024 3 Comments

“It is entirely possible that the total costs to build, maintain and replace units every 20+ years (at end of service) would be prohibitive compared to other sources of energy. Beyond these cost considerations, sources indicate that the turbine blades cannot be recycled and are piling up in landfills. Fossil fuels will also still be needed to maintain the lubrication of these units, and what about potential for spillage?” (Jeff Wyles, below)

The old joke comes to mind: Q: When is an environmentalist not an environmentalist? A: When it comes to wind power.

Make that double for offshore wind, and wild-eyed California politicians are having trouble hiding the problems. Consider a recent op-ed, Rethink Floating Wind Turbine Power Off Our California Coastline?,” an environmental feature of California newspaper MendoFever (February 12, 2024).…

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Offshore Wind Bribe Falls Short

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 15, 2024 1 Comment

“Respectfully, the future of the Town of Ocean City cannot be bought [by offshore wind interests] and we intend to continue to do what is necessary to protect the interests of our residents, property owners and future generations.” – Mayor Rick Meehan, Ocean City, Maryland

The $2 million bribe was turned down–flatly, by the mayor of Ocean City, Rick Meehan. This “opportunity” spread out over 20 years came with this request from US Wind: “local government officials… [refraining] from making any negative comments or objections.”

Here is the story reported in UtilityDive:

“In December 2023, I received an email from Jeff Grybowski, Chief Executive Officer for US Wind, offering Ocean City the same opportunity that has been extended to the Delaware Beach Towns,” [Ocean City Mayor] Meehan said. “My response was, ‘Respectfully the future of the Town of Ocean City cannot be bought and we intend to continue to do what is necessary to protect the interests of our residents, property owners and future generations.’”

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Market Environmentalists vs. Wind/Solar/Battery Industrialization, Sprawl

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 7, 2024 1 Comment

“These aforementioned groups and individuals are standing tall against the Climate Industrial Complex and Big Government Wind, Big Governmental Solar, Big Government Batteries, and the I-want-to-control-your-energy-life elitists. The real environmentalists speak from the grassroots, not from Washington, D.C.”

The article by Dave Anderson for the Energy and Policy Institute, (EPI), “Blocking Renewable Energy Is a Top State Legislative Priority for Network of Pro-Fossil Fuels Think Tanks,” lists the names of many organizations and individuals who should be applauded for their efforts to spare the living, green space from industrialization and energy sprawl.  

Dense energy is the most environmental, as pointed out by the late Peter Huber in Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists (New York: Basic Books, 1999):

The greenest fuels are the ones that contain the most energy per pound of material that must be mined, trucked, pumped, piped, and burnt.

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Wind power output in Texas is trending down even as wind generation capacity increases

By Ed Ireland -- February 16, 2024 No Comments
The inherent unreliability of wind power is highlighted by the recent experience in Texas.

I have written extensively about the intermittent nature of wind power (here, here, and here), highlighting that the only way wind power has survived and continues to increase is through federal tax subsidies. Wind proponents have long argued that the intermittent nature of wind is offset by over-building wind generation, based on the theory that the wind is always blowing somewhere.

The reality that the wind is not always blowing where it is needed, even over very large areas, is highlighted by the fact that wind power in Texas has been declining.

Total wind power generation in January 2024 was less than in January 2023. According to Reuters in an article published on February 16, 2024:

Cumulative wind power output in 2023 was 4,500,000 MWh, compared to 4,400,000 MWh in 2022, LSEG data shows.

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Sheridan Shakes the Texas/ERCOT Narrative (fossil fuels did rescue wind/solar)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 19, 2024 5 Comments Continue Reading

Pile Driving: Offshore Wind’s Ecological Problem (Popper interview in Phys.Org)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 17, 2024 1 Comment Continue Reading

Industrial Wind vs. Deep Ecology: Surface Impacts

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 16, 2024 1 Comment Continue Reading

Grassroots Opposition to Wind/Solar Projects: Martis Testimony in Michigan

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 20, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

ICEBREAKER Wind Dead: Great Lakes Alive

By Sherri Lange -- December 19, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Offshore U.S. Wind: Childish Energy Policy

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 7, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading