A Free-Market Energy Blog

Alaska ‘Green New Deal’ Lurks (RPS danger)

By -- January 31, 2024

“Senator Jesse Bjorkman is up against an army of eco-activists and lobbyists.  We Alaskans have the responsibility to hand down the legacy of an affordable and reliable energy system. A Renewable Portfolio Standard is not that.”

The Camel’s Nose metaphor goes: “Don’t allow even small malpractices, because they will grow big eventually.” Realized or not, the major malpractice in question at this very moment is Alaskans being forced into anti-energy “decarbonization.”

The political war against carbon dioxide (CO2), the building block of life, has wreaked havoc on humanity throughout the world. The implementation of this decarbonization plan is the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). This post updates the issues and what can be done to save Alaska’s largest population center from political plunder. 


In early 2022, Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced legislation for an RPS with the press release: “House Bill 301 and Senate Bill 179 will allow Alaska to join 30 states and two territories in creating a renewable portfolio standard in the Railbelt.…

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Koch Industries Saves Mona Lisa (climate nuts thwarted)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 30, 2024

A company that supports human betterment policies (“our advocacy for a free and open society is what truly sets us apart”) has scored a major public relations victory over the Church of Climate concerning kiddie vandals programmed to believe Climate Armageddon.

“Two women from an environmental group threw pumpkin-colored soup at the artwork, which is behind bulletproof glass at the Louvre and did not appear to sustain damage,” the New York Times reported.

One of the women removed her jacket to reveal the words Riposte Alimentaire, or Food Response, on a white T-shirt. Riposte Alimentaire is part of a coalition of protest groups known as the A22 movement. They include Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil, the group that poured tomato soup over Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at the National Gallery in London in 2022.

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Bummed Joe Romm on Failed Climate Policy

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 29, 2024

“So, it seems the [COP 28] agreement establishes that we can ‘abate’ fossil fuel plant emissions to produce more fossil fuels. Does anything capture the Orwellian nature of this agreement better?”

“After eight years, not one of the top 10 greenhouse gas emitting countries has adopted ‘policies and action’ capable of meeting the Paris climate targets.” (Joe Romm, 12-20-2024)

Yes, Joe. The international crusade against carbon dioxide (CO2)–really affordable, reliable, storable, convenient energies–has been a failure. The futile crusade is now in its 36th year with 28 annual COP meetings come-and-gone. Fossil fuels are presently in a tripartite boom with no end in sight.

This reality is an open secret that the Climate PR Complex does not want people to know. Meanwhile, every day of fossil fuel dominance makes a reversal of atmospheric CO2 less and less feasible.…

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Storm Uri: The Supreme Court’s Decision (Part 3)

By -- January 26, 2024
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Texas Defeats Electric Competition (Part 2)

By -- January 25, 2024
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Storm Uri: The PUCT’s $26 Billion Electricity Tax (Part I)

By -- January 24, 2024
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EV Proponents in Hiding? David Cooke (Union of Concerned Scientists) Declines AEI

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 23, 2024
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Energy and Environmental Review: January 22, 2024

By -- January 22, 2024
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Sheridan Shakes the Texas/ERCOT Narrative (fossil fuels did rescue wind/solar)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 19, 2024
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Severe Cold from Global Warming? NOPE (Doug Lewin in error)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 18, 2024
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