Windfarm Mortality: Environmental Disinformation, Ecodamage

By Mark Duchamp -- September 26, 2013 14 Comments

“Put simply, wind farms are causing considerable damage to nature’s balance, for no benefit whatsoever to society. Indeed, no country in the world has reduced its carbon footprint thanks to them…. It is high time to call a moratorium on wind farms, and examine the situation after ditching our blinkers.”

Wind turbines kill birds and bats, we all know that, but the billion-dollar question is: how many? I say “billion” because subsidies to the wind industry run into billions of dollars per year in the United States alone, and chances are the public would not support such expenditures if they found out that these machines were driving iconic, useful or beautiful species into extinction. It is therefore important to find out the extent of the mortality caused by their rotor blades and high tension power lines.…

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Windaction News Issue: September 25, 2013

By -- September 25, 2013 4 Comments’s periodic newsletter keeps readers updated on the latest news in the wind energy industry!

Industrial Wind Alert!

facts, analysis, exposure of wind energy’s real impacts

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Antelope Ridge wind farm withdrawn  – Sep 25
by Ted Sickinger in The Oregonian – Oregon
EDP’s project manager said the withdrawal was “100 percent a business decision. ” The company didn’t see a clear path to sell the power at this point. . more…
US clarifies PTC eligibility rules– Sep 24
by Patrick Smithin Wind Power Monthly – US
The new guidance indicates that any facility that is placed in service before 1 January 2016 will automatically be classified as having met the benchmark. more…
Councillors vote no on Atlantic Array wind farm – Sep 24
in BBC News – UK
Councillors in Torridge have withdrawn their support for the Atlantic Array project – a wind farm proposed off the North Devon coast.Earlier
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Back at Ya, IPCC: ‘Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science’ (Part II)

By -- September 24, 2013 26 Comments

“There is no longer any getting around it. What we are dealing with here is nothing short of massive and systematic fraud. The IPCC and Political-Scientific-Environmentalist-Industrialist Climate Complex are deliberately and dishonestly taking billions in hard-earned taxpayer and consumer dollars – and using it to devise computer models, horror movie disaster scenarios, bogus official reports and countless “studies” purporting to link every imaginable event or oddity to human carbon dioxide emissions.”

The updated edition of Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) – Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science – makes a compelling case that the computer models, hypotheses, and policy prescriptions of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are at odds with reality.

The 1,018-page report systematically debunks IPCC claims that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are causing “dangerous” global warming/climate change – and that computer models can be relied on as a credible basis for alarming climate forecasts and scenarios.…

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New York Wind Wars: Hiding the Facts (PTC allows Invenergy to desecrate)

By Mary Kay Barton -- September 12, 2013 16 Comments

“New York State’s installed wind factories averaged a pathetic 23.5% Capacity Factor in 2012….  It’s no wonder New York has earned the dubious distinction of having the highest electricity rates in the continental United States – 17.7 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) – a whopping 53% above the national average.”

The last minute extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC – aka: “Pork To Cronies”) within the December 31, 2012 fiscal cliff deal was good news for Big Wind corporate welfare profiteers, like Michael Polsky’s Invenergy. It was very bad news for rural/residential Towns being targeted by industrial wind developers here in New York State, and across the nation.

Despite the fact that the Wyoming County, NY Town of Orangeville’s conflicted Town Board approved Invenergy’s “Stony Creek” project in the Fall of 2012, Invenergy admitted they would not be going ahead with the project unless the PTC was extended – highlighting the fact that the only thing Invenergy is interested in ‘harvesting’ is taxpayers’ money.…

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Windaction News Issue: September 11, 2013

By -- September 11, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Dear New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers: Back Off Windpower for a Better Environment! (Part I)

By Annette Smith -- September 9, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: August 1, 2013

By -- August 1, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Offshore Alaska Drilling: Private Effort versus Regulatory Constraints

By Greg Rehmke -- July 17, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Global Warming is Responsible for ….

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

The Incompatibility of Wind and Crop ‘Farming’

By -- July 1, 2013 15 Comments Continue Reading