The Left’s Civil War on Cap-and-Trade: Who Likes Political Capitalism?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 22, 2009 5 Comments

Some environmental leaders have said that I am naïve to think that there is an alternative to cap-and-trade, and they suggest that I should stick to climate modeling. Their contention is that it is better to pass any bill now and improve it later. Their belief that they, as opposed to the fossil interests, have more effect on the bill’s eventual shape seems to be the pinnacle of naïveté.

– James Hansen, “Strategies to Address Global Warming,” July 2009.

Welcome to the science of politics, Dr. Hansen–and welcome to a tradition in political economy that is more than a century old. “I see no force in modern society which can cope with the power of capital handled by talent,” stated William Graham Summer in 1905, “and I cannot doubt that the greatest force will control the other forces.”

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Energy as the Master Resource: Where Left, Right, and Center Agree

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 3, 2009 5 Comments

“A reliable and affordable supply of energy is absolutely critical to maintaining and expanding economic prosperity where such prosperity already exists and to creating it where it does not.”

– John Holdren, “Memorandum to the President: The Energy-Climate Challenge,” in Donald Kennedy and John Riggs, eds., U.S. Policy and the Global Environment: Memos to the President (Washington, D.C.: The Aspen Institute, 2000), p. 21.

Julian Simon (1932–98) is an inspiration to many of us here at MasterResource. Indeed, this blog is named for Simon’s characterization of energy as the master resource. In honor of Simon, I have reproduced some quotations from the vast literature on that theme.

The primal importance of energy is recognized across the political spectrum as the views of John Holdren, Paul Ehrlich, and Amory Lovins attest. Affordable, reliable energy is thus the starting point for public policy debate.…

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Clean Air Act Regulation of CO2: Rough Road Ahead

By -- June 3, 2009 3 Comments

Even if energy realists and their allies fend off Waxman-Markey, wave after wave of global warming regulation could still sweep across the U.S. economy under the aegis of EPA and the Clean Air Act.  

As explained in a previous post, the carbon dioxide (CO2) litigation campaign that begat the Supreme Court’s Massachusetts v. EPA decision (April 2007) could shut down much of our economy and replace self-government via the people’s elected representatives with the rule of bureaucrats and courts.

Energy realists need to school themselves in this constellation of issues, because the clock is ticking. On April 17, the Environmental Protection Agency, responding to Mass. v. EPA, published a proposed rule concluding that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from new motor vehicles cause or contribute to health- and welfare-endangering “air pollution.”  …

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Questar’s CEO on Energy and Climate Realities (A pretty darn good industry speech in our age of T. Boone Pickens, Aubrey McClendon, and other energy interventionists)

By The Editor -- May 1, 2009 4 Comments

Editor’s note: Keith Rattie, Chairman, President and CEO of  Questar Corporation, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, gave this speech at Utah Valley University on April 2, 2009. The full version is on Questar’s website. Subtitles have been added.

Energy Myths and Realities

There may be no greater challenge facing mankind today – and your generation in particular – than figuring out how we’re going to meet the energy needs of a planet that may have 9 billion people living on it by the middle of this century. The magnitude of that challenge becomes even more daunting when you consider that of the 6.5 billion people on the planet today, nearly two billion people don’t even have electricity – never flipped a light switch.

False 1970s Consensus

Now, the “consensus” back in the mid-1970s was that America and the world were running out of oil.

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The Cato Climate Ad, Joe Romm, and Swanson & Tsonis

By Chip Knappenberger -- April 14, 2009 7 Comments Continue Reading

Can Renewable Technologies Provide U.S. Electricity Needs? (Only hypothetically, using unrealistic assumptions)

By Mary Hutzler -- April 7, 2009 6 Comments Continue Reading

Energy Poverty: Environmental Problem #1 (worth remembering Sunday)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 5, 2009 2 Comments Continue Reading

Hansen Belittles Models, Cap-and-Trade, Kyoto; Calls for Coal-destroying Carbon Tax

By -- March 2, 2009 11 Comments Continue Reading

A Warm Year? Or a Cool Decade?

By Chip Knappenberger -- February 24, 2009 6 Comments Continue Reading

Ethanol & Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Reconsidering the University of Nebraska Study

By Jerry Taylor -- February 18, 2009 5 Comments Continue Reading