Isaac Orr: Guilty as Charged (Desmog’s ‘Climate Denier Spotlight’ introduces new talent)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 21, 2019 5 Comments

MasterResource has previously highlighted individuals “from the Climate Disinformation Database” of Desmog Blog where the in-their-own-words ‘expose’ revealed solid thinking and good deeds.

I am profiled, accurately but incompletely (please update). I thanked them too: DeSmog Blog: Guilty as Charged (‘hit’ profile looks good to me).

MasterResource also did “guilty as charged” posts defending Derrick Hollie, founder of Reaching America, and leading scientist John Christy. If fact, almost everyone on DeSmog’s list of deplorables should feel proud to read their profiles and deeds.

Desmog’s Climate Disinformation Database advertises itself as “where you can search and browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and fight global warming.”…

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On the Houston Chronicle’s Editorial Crusade Against Fossil Fuels

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 10, 2019 5 Comments

“A recent Politico article on the bad messaging of Democrats on climate and energy, Democrats Bite on Burgers and Straws–and Republicans Feast, is fair warning. It is high time the hometown paper of the center of the oil and gas industry stop the blatant bias against the very energies that consumers naturally prefer.”

There is no representation for conservatives or libertarians on the editorial board of the Houston Chronicle. So when it comes to energy, fossil fuels (because of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions) are seen as the enemy of the climate rather than a greening agent; protection against heat, cold, and precipitation; and a first responder after weather extremes.

Mineral energies in capitalist settings have much to do with the precipitous drop of climate-related deaths in the last century–and are essential to human betterment going forward.…

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Charles Koch vs. Crony Capitalism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 15, 2019 No Comments

“Good profit can only result from creating value for the consumer. It is the manifestation of the entrepreneur’s respect for what the customer values.”

– Charles Koch, Good Profit (New York: Crown Business, 2015), p. 244.

Documents Shine New Light on Koch Brothers’ Early Efforts to Abolish the Department of Energy,” reads the headline of a new report about Charles and David Koch by Desmog Blog. This organization/site also announced a Koch Network Database,

a new resource library built by DeSmog to assist journalists, academic researchers, and the public to learn more about the backgrounds of individuals and organizations associated with billionaire fossil fuel industrialists Charles Koch and David Koch‘s free market approach to a broad spectrum of civic issues.

As just a compilation of individuals and groups and their purpose and work, “guilty as charged” would apply.…

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Capitalism as Seen by the Left: “The Age of Enron”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2019 5 Comments

“Add [to rent-seeking] the company’s rank imprudence and strategic deceit (what I labeled philosophic fraud), and a new term had to be invented to describe that which true capitalist luminaries from Adam Smith forward warned against: the contra-capitalist corporation.”

For many years now, as a poor man’s Robert Caro, I have labored to demonstrate that the worldview-testing event called Enron was Exhibit A of crony capitalism and Progressivism, not free-market capitalism and the classical liberalism.

The Progressive mainstream argued emphatically for their conclusion. Two examples are among my favorites. Paul Krugman in the New York Times: “I predict that in the years ahead Enron, not Sept. 11, will come to be seen as the greater turning point in U.S. society.” Robert Kuttner in BusinessWeek: “Defenders of deregulation are mounting a heroic effort to insist that the [Enron] debacle was merely a business model gone bad, not an impeachment of freer markets”.…

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Remembering the Holdren/Lomborg Debate

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 1, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading

Trump vs. the Green New Deal

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 16, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading

‘Oil, Gas & Government: The U.S. Experience’ (outline presentation of my treatise)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 2, 2019 No Comments Continue Reading

“Save Earth”: Houston Chronicle Goes 1970s (Malthusian alarm getting long in the tooth)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 30, 2019 2 Comments Continue Reading

Sunnova’s Rooftop Solar: Selling a Bad Product Requires ….

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 25, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading

MasterResource in the News (problems of wind power)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 24, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading