Green Party Energy: Front Door Cronyism, Back Door Poverty (convention concludes in Houston)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 8, 2016 3 Comments

“I know it’s a long shot, but there has to be someone telling the truth and showing a clear vision moving away from capitalism to an eco-socialist future that is just for everyone.”

– Gary Stuard (Green Party). Quoted in Kim McGuire, “Greens Steadfast on Environment.” Houston Chronicle, August 6, 2016, p. A4.

Milton Friedman once said: “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” The uncommonly wise economist also said: “Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.”

Let’s assume that the Green Party is made up a fair number of well meaning, non-corrupted (as in ‘crony capitalist’) individuals that really want the common person to have a good life and entrepreneurial opportunities.…

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GOP Energy Platform: Free Market Directions

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 20, 2016 4 Comments

“A Trump Administration will focus on real environmental challenges, not phony ones …. We’ll solve real environmental problems in our communities like the need for clean and safe drinking water.”

– Donald Trump, “An America First Energy Plan.” May 26, 2016.

“Unlike the current Administration, we will not pick winners and losers in the energy marketplace. Instead, we will let the free market and the public’s preferences determine the industry outcomes.”

– Republican Platform (below)

Donald Trump is offering America a free-market energy vision. He has since this March. He did so again in his May 26th energy speech. Along the way, he has corrected his 2009 flirtation with climate alarmism/policy activism.

Trump has been endorsed by the free-market American Energy Alliance (the advocacy arm of the Institute for Energy Research, of which I am founder and CEO). …

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Trump’s Energy Speech: Strong Free Market Directions

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 1, 2016 6 Comments

“And if Crooked Hillary can shut down the mines, she can shut down your business too.”

“These actions have denied millions of Americans access to the energy wealth sitting under our feet. This is your treasure, and you – the American People – are entitled to share in the riches.”

“We’re going to rescind all the job-destroying Obama executive actions including the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.”

On May 26, Donald Trump gave his first major energy speech. It advocates a rollback of the energy statism of President Obama, which would continue under Hillary Clinton (but not Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee for President).

There is much to like in Trump’s agenda, and nothing better than calling the bluff of the climate alarmists who profess to want to save the climate but have a variety of other agendas at work.

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‘Peak Oil’ Over, Economists Study Climate Policy Costs

By -- February 17, 2016 4 Comments

“In a 2014 ‘EV Everywhere Grand Challenge’ study, the US Department of Energy finds that the current battery cost is $325 per kWh. At a battery cost of $325 per kWh, the price of oil would need to exceed $350 per barrel before the electric vehicle was cheaper to operate.”

– Covert, Greenstone, and Knittel. “Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?Journal of Economic Perspectives (30(1), 2016): p. 132.

In the marketplace for ideas, economists are always selling. We see a situation that everyone knows is imperfect, point out the exorbitant costs and likely mistakes on the road to Nirvana, assure our audience that in any case the market can likely manage things better than government. And we hope someone accepts our research and clients retain our consulting services.…

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RFF: Going Malthusian in the 1970s (precursor to climate alarmism)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 26, 2016 6 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 24, 2015

By -- August 24, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Refrack Resourceship: Why the Carbon-based Energy Era Is Still Young

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 17, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Green Energy Plunders the Biosphere

By Viv Forbes -- July 20, 2015 5 Comments Continue Reading

T. Boone Pickens: Still More from the ‘Man of System’

By -- May 18, 2015 5 Comments Continue Reading

Energy for a Free Society: The American Energy Act (IER/AEA)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 7, 2015 No Comments Continue Reading