Bret Stephens’ Climate Conversion: Utterly Unconvincing

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 8, 2022 4 Comments

“Learning is a process, not a destination. Bret Stephens should reconsider his reconsideration to educate his readers on the benefits of CO2 enrichment and positive weather/climate trends (including global lukewarming). And do it in such a way that instead of trying to fire him, the alarmists have to answer (not duck) the hard questions about their position.”

The intellectual case against climate alarmism and forced energy transformation has always been strong. Recent events have made this case stronger with more data contradicting climate model projections. The statistics of extreme weather events and global (luke)warming are hard to ignore. In addition, the “fat tail” of worst-case, extreme warming have been scaled back in the mainstream literature. All this is good news and an antidote for ‘climate anxiety’.

Given all this (isn’t this typical of neo-Malthusian scares?),…

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‘Common Ground’ on ESG? Only Bad Wins

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 6, 2022 1 Comment

“What if a company bases its ESG ‘politics’ not on climate model projections or ‘attribution science’ but on the consumer imperative of affordable, plentiful, reliable energy?”

“The give-away is that now that everyone knows that fossil fuels are winning and the saturation effect is closing the mitigation window, the Church [of Climate] goers will not check their premises. If they really had ‘climate anxiety,’ they would want to understand the case for CO2/climate optimism….” (RLB, below)

The exchange began on social media regarding the paper “ESG Isn’t Woke, It’s Capitalism,” by Robert Eccles. “There are a number of important points to debate about ESG from a company, investor, and public policy perspective,” he began.

This is best done with a goal of finding common ground. This webinar is another step Dan [Crowley] and I are taking to bring my Democratic side and his Republican side together on making sense of ESG.

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Energy and Environmental Review: December 5, 2022

By -- December 5, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Germany Sets Windfall Tax at 90% for Clean Power Generators
UK Power Prices Skyrocket As Wind Generation Collapses

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
*** Updated Study: Wind Turbine Syndrome: The Impact of Wind Farms on Suicide
*** Northern long-eared bat reclassified as endangered (Note: This could be good news for wind warriors: a new tool in their arsenal!)
Archive Study: Effects of low-frequency noise from wind turbines on heart rate variability in healthy individuals

Renewables (General):
*** Report: Lack of energy storage makes renewables-only grids a pipe dream
*** Electricity Generation with 100% Renewables is a Fantasy
Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Already Doomed to Total Failure
Why Wind and Solar Owners Love Energy Storage
COP Climate Cult Can’t Deal With Europe’s Monumental Wind & Solar Failure
Europe to U.S.:

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‘Train Your Brain’ on Climate Change? (debate, don’t assume)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 2, 2022 2 Comments

“Dr. Duhaime is invited to liberate her brain to question the premises of climate alarmism and forced energy transformation. Listen to recent climate debates involving Steven Koonin. Read Alex Epstein’s Fossil Future. Sponsor a Harvard University discussion/debate with both. ‘Train Your Brain’ the right way.”

It is a grand intellectual ruse. Part of it is magical thinking: that wind, solar, and batteries can substitute for mineral energies and thus “save the planet.” The other part is the “everyone knows” shared narrative: catastrophic climate change is occurring because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

In the New York Times’s “Climate Forward,” Somini Sengupta recently interviewed neurologist Ann-Christine Duhaime based on her new book, “Minding the Climate: How Neuroscience Can Help Solve Our Environmental Crisis” (Harvard University Press). The question she sets out to answer (per Climate Forward) is: “Why we mortal humans cannot grasp and act on the climate emergency.”…

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‘Old School Climate Denial is Back’ (Droz, Martis: take a bow)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 29, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: November 21, 2022

By -- November 21, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

In and Out of LinkedIn Jail (but the climate, energy debate must go on)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 17, 2022 4 Comments Continue Reading

Canada’s Green New Deal: “To Hell With That” (Premier Moe speaks)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 16, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Winter Warning to Biden Administration (New England energy shortages ahead?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 15, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Dissecting a Wind Project: An Introduction to Bad Economics (and political correctness)

By Bill Schneider -- November 14, 2022 9 Comments Continue Reading