Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Unreliables (General):
Report: Green Guardrails
America’s Energy Scam
Green Tyrants Get Horrible News as Finance Giants Pull Out Left and Right
High Costs, Greenlash Hit Europe
Transition? What Transition?
Wind Energy — Offshore:
CFACT says offshore wind violates Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
Renewed push to put wind turbines in Lake Erie gets blowback in Hamburg
Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
*** French Council of State annuls wind turbine permits, major impact on energy future
*** Irish High Court Slams Wind Turbine Operator for Noise “Like planes that Never Land”
Solar Energy:
US Solar Factories Are In for ‘Rude Awakening,’ Report Warns
Fossil-Fuel Energy:
Policymakers are clueless that all energy sources came after the discovery of oil
Electric Vehicles (EVs):
EVs lose market share across Europe in January
Miscellaneous Energy News:
*** Short video: Energy and the Poverty of Nations
*** These 10 Charts Caused an NGO Hissy Fit at NARUC
*** Net Zero Emergency Power
America Is Running Out Of Power, Is Rationing And Soaring Energy Prices Ahead?…
“Respectfully, the future of the Town of Ocean City cannot be bought [by offshore wind interests] and we intend to continue to do what is necessary to protect the interests of our residents, property owners and future generations.” – Mayor Rick Meehan, Ocean City, Maryland
The $2 million bribe was turned down–flatly, by the mayor of Ocean City, Rick Meehan. This “opportunity” spread out over 20 years came with this request from US Wind: “local government officials… [refraining] from making any negative comments or objections.”
Here is the story reported in UtilityDive:
… Continue Reading“In December 2023, I received an email from Jeff Grybowski, Chief Executive Officer for US Wind, offering Ocean City the same opportunity that has been extended to the Delaware Beach Towns,” [Ocean City Mayor] Meehan said. “My response was, ‘Respectfully the future of the Town of Ocean City cannot be bought and we intend to continue to do what is necessary to protect the interests of our residents, property owners and future generations.’”
“Too many moving parts in a corrosive environment, requiring too much routine maintenance of large moving components. This is wildly unrealistic, fails the KISS Principle!” ( – Ed Thiel)
“[Stephen] Salter invented the ‘duck’ [system that converts into electricity some of the natural energy contained in waves] in 1974, wave energy has been just round the corner ever since. Tell me when and if it ever happens.” ( – Chris Wagstaffe)
A recent exchange on social media about the prospects of marine (aka tidal or wave) electricity brought some reality into energy magical thinking, the belief that what is technologically possible is a “green” solution to thermal power generation. Either now or about to be ….
An Optimistic Take
Russ Bates, founder of NXTGEN Clean Energy, excitedly announced: “Another step towards a sustainable future and another blow to #fossilfuels!”…
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