Fossil Fuels for Africa! African Energy Chamber at COP 27

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 10, 2022 1 Comment

Ed. note: A recent manifesto from NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber, should be studied by social justice advocates around the world, not only the energy and environmental communities.

“… why should we in Africa give up our fossil fuels – fuels that represent solutions to some of our most pressing needs – when so many others question the wisdom of doing the same? We shouldn’t. And we shouldn’t be forced to.”

“Will fossil fuel development in Africa signal an end to all of the world’s good intentions and net zero ambitions?  Or is this an example of ‘green colonialism’?”

Africans need and deserve affordable, plentiful, reliable energies, not dilute, intermittent, parasitic ones. First class energies for first class people has been a rallying cry here at MasterResource.…

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Climate Policy: A Hard Sell (E&E News)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 8, 2022 2 Comments

“President Joe Biden’s closing argument before the midterm elections presents contradictory promises of driving down carbon emissions while increasing the supply of fossil fuels.”

“Biden hasn’t been invited to spread the message of his climate victory in swing states, even though people are already voting early or by mail.”

– E&E News (October 24, 2022)

From time to time MasterResource amplifies E&E News articles that call a spade a spade. A bit of realism in a sea of hyperbole about all things climate and energy is worth commemorating.

Scott Waldman’s “Biden Struggles to Sell Climate Win in Final Midterm Stretch” (October 24, 2022) exposes the contradictory themes of lowering oil prices and addressing climate concerns. The article shows a picture of Joe Biden (teleprompter hidden) speaking at the East Portland Community Center in Portland, Oregon, surely friendly ground.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: November 7, 2022

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 7, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Full Cost of Electricity “FCOE” and Energy Returns “eROI”
*** It is time to replace LCOE
*** Indiana says converting 1,052 MW of coal to gas will be $381M cheaper than renewables and storage
*** $3.8 Trillion of Investment in Renewables Moved Fossil Fuels from 82% to 81% of Overall Energy Consumption in 10 Years

Renewables (General):
*** Renewable energy is a failed path, scientist tells Utah legislators
*** Reliability is Key to a Successful Energy Transition
*** Grid Grief: Ideologues Refuse to Acknowledge the Big Problem!

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Massachusetts’ 1,200 MW Offshore Wind Project ‘no longer viable’ (rough waters ahead?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 2, 2022 5 Comments

“… global commodity price increases … sharp and sudden increases in interest rates, prolonged supply chain constraints, and persistent inflation have significantly increased the expected cost of constructing the project.”

Electricity rates are going up because of wind, solar, and batteries being forced upon, and duplicating, the grid. Reliability is going down because of wind and solar intermittency. And higher interest rates are (further) ruining the economics of the infrastructure-heavy, up-front capital necessary to turn “free” wind and solar into electricity.

It’s a perfect storm that might just overcome the taxpayer largesse of the federal subsidies (DOE and IRS) and rate averaging for captive ratepayers. With offshore wind experimental and extra-uneconomic, the worst can be assumed.

An October 30, 2022, article by Colin Young, “Major Massachusetts offshore wind project no longer viable,” explains the fluid situation.…

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Doug Sheridan on the Growing Recognition of Fossil Fuel Morality

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 28, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

What Environmentalists Don’t Know About Petroleum (that last 30 percent)

By -- October 26, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

A Typical Exchange with a Climate Alarmist/Forced Energy Transformationist

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 25, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: October 24, 2022

By -- October 24, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Alex Epstein is Winning (humanism, progress = mineral energies)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 21, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Battery Airplanes? Nope! (MIT Technology Review)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 20, 2022 6 Comments Continue Reading