Clean Energy Producers Act of 2015 (H.R. 493): Eagle Slaughter Amnesty for Industrial Wind

By Jim Wiegand -- February 19, 2015 3 Comments

“When you can no longer hide and you have not obeyed the law, just ask your friends in Congress to bail you out. This is what this bill [H.R. 493] represents.”

For those that do not believe America has lost its way, all one has to do is look at the relationship between the wind industry and Washington D.C.  Unbiased observers will see a shell-game democracy funneling out untold billions for a highly destructive and inefficient “energy strategy.” One of the primary benefactors of this arrangement is a Washington-based group of panhandlers know as the wind industry. But this industry’s windfall set-up with Washington is threatened because word of wind power’s undisclosed impacts is reaching the public.

Profits at Risk

In the last several years it has come to the attention of the American people that the wind industry is not what it appears to be.…

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Not In Their Minds: Denial in the Wind/Health Debate

By Sherri Lange -- February 18, 2015 8 Comments

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the states of facts and evidence.” (John Adams, 1770)

“Facts are stupid….(laughter) stubborn things.” (Ronald Reagan, 1988)

When President Regan, in his address to the 1988 Republican National Convention, stumbled on the word “stubborn”–referencing the famous John Adams quote above–he might as well have been talking about the chasm between the facts of acoustic investigation of wind turbine installation, as reported by the victims, and the hyperbole and spin from the industry itself.

“Wind Facts” are openly  portrayed by the industry as “stupidly obvious” things:  green, clean and free. Complainers, aka victims,  are dismissed as hyper sensitive if not hypochondriacs. Academic or government studies often portray such subjects as having a natural disposition for unhappiness and discomfort about things such as body type, with inferences of predilection for an anti-wind position and negative physical effects.…

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Cape Wind Is Dead! (U.S. offshore wind stuck at zero)

By -- January 12, 2015 2 Comments

“Cape Wind was wrong project, wrong time, wrong place. It was too big and costly. Its impacts were poorly mitigated and its benefits highly questionable. In the end, it was the regulatory arrogance of the Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and the Obama Administrations that did the most harm. A lot of people were offended and willing to stand up to the abuses. Remember, it was Massachusetts’ spirit that triggered the Revolutionary War.”

Cape Wind was supposed to be America’s first offshore wind project. Chief sponsor Jim Gordon labored since 2001 (14 years!) on his vision of 130 massive spinning fans sited in shallow federal waters off New England’s historic coastline (468 MW at maximum capacity). Mr. Gordon was the darling of environmental groups and green-minded politicos who pushed big wind at any price.…

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Wind Power Propagandist Clipped by Employer

By Sherri Lange -- December 18, 2014 No Comments

“IBM Corporate Officer (Brand Manager, Communications) Carrie Bendzsa, after numerous discussions with Lange of NA-PAW, wrote to NA-PAW, thanking the organization for bringing this matter to their attention, asserting that none of ‘these postings or comments were IBM endorsed actions’.”

Mike Barnard’s wind wings clipped by employer: Told to stop writing on wind power, resign fellowship from Energy and Policy Institute, and delete his blog: Barnard on Wind

Mike Barnard last month was taken to task by researcher Jackie Rovensky of AU and NA-PAW (North American Platform Against Wind Power) for a long-standing series of malicious attacks on trusted and respected professionals worldwide, who have variously documented and researched the now widely recognized devastating effects of industrial wind on human health.

This action by IBM is easily understood.…

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“Contradictions, Bias Undermine Credibility of the Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise Study” (An Open Letter)

By Mark Davis and Keith Stelling -- December 10, 2014 2 Comments Continue Reading

“End Wind Welfare!” Let Me Count the Reasons

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 2, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Taxpayer Alert: Big Wind Urging Congress for Yet Another Bailout

By Mary Kay Barton -- November 24, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Health Canada Windpower Study: Playing Politics (Grubered up North)

By -- November 18, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Vote NO on Big Wind

By -- October 29, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Wyoming-to-L.A. ‘Stored’ Windpower? Think Twice the Cost

By -- October 8, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading