A Free-Market Energy Blog

A Three-University Conspiracy? (Or eight billion supporting fossil fuels)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 21, 2023

“This conspiracy theorist needs to check his simplistic, authoritarian, emotional views. Eight billion consumers desiring the most affordable, reliable, plentiful energies is the reason why fossil fuels are winning. The real enemy in terms of human betterment is the climate industrial complex, the industrial wind developers, the solar cronies, and EV/battery elites. Mid-course correction needed, Mr. Carlevale.”

Edmund Carlevale, self-described as Transdisciplinary Communications, MIT whistleblower, City-based Sustainability Strategies, with a following of 25,000 on social media, has a very simple explanation of the crisis behind the climate crisis. He offers a crude theory behind “the failed strategies of marching in the streets to end fossil fuels, the endless horror stories of the environmental horrors in our future, and the unending technical debunking of scams like #carboncapture.” It is a conspiracy theory that mangles cause-and-effect.…

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Grassroots Opposition to Wind/Solar Projects: Martis Testimony in Michigan

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 20, 2023

Myth One: There is a fossil fuel funded effort to stop clean energy”. Fact: there IS a lot of fossil fuel money in the renewable energy space. But 100% of it goes to the PROPONENTS of renewable energy like the Sierra Club and Michigan Conservative Energy Forum. And the vast majority of renewable energy developers in Michigan are fossil fuel entities themselves.

How should government-enabled projects that deprecate the environment be handled by local opponents? This is a debate with two sides. Michael Giberson argues that private property rights trumps the taxpayer in such cases. I argue that government intervention to block government intervention regarding projects on private land is justified. (Debate here.)

Ideally, this controversy would be bypassed by a separation of government and energy. And it should be.…

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ICEBREAKER Wind Dead: Great Lakes Alive

By Sherri Lange -- December 19, 2023

“The levels of opposition to Leedco (now Icebreaker) have stood firm over 14 years. They are not likely to disappear.”

The Icebreaker Wind Project–six turbines offshore Cleveland in the Great Lakes–has been “temporarily” suspended, halted, or otherwise “iced.” This is very good news for taxpayers, ratepayers, and the environment, mainstream media reporting aside. The Great Lakes will not be “the Saudi Arabia of wind.” Less is always best with government-dependent industrial wind turbines.

Take aways:

  • You can pepper the Great Lakes or the entire planet with wind turbines, and there will be zero impact on the climate out decades, if at all
  • $50 million promised with completion of target objectives; not met, $37 million being returned to DOE
  • Millions are opposed, not merely electrical unions, Audubon, Sierra, and the city of Cleveland
  • Independent environmental studies are still lacking after 14 years.
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Energy and Environmental Review: December 18, 2023

By -- December 18, 2023
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COP28 Reality: Rejecting the Narrative on the Left (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 16, 2023
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COP28 Wish-Wash: What is a Climate Alarmist to Do? (Part I)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 15, 2023
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An Exchange with PUC Candidate Patty Durand: Question Climate Alarmism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 14, 2023
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African Energy Chamber to COP28: We Want Fossil Fuels!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 13, 2023
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More SMR Woes: Oklo/Air-Force Cancellation

By Kennedy Maize -- December 12, 2023
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Al Gore’s Tiresome Crusade: So Long, So Wrong

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 11, 2023
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