On the Theory of Interventionism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 5, 2022 No Comments

“One promising avenue for thinking about some of these issues is provided by Robert L. Bradley Jr., who, building on Sandy [Ikeda]’s work, offers his own typology of interventionist dynamics in a working paper, “Typology of Interventionist Dynamics” and the version in Humane Economics: Essays in Honor of Don Lavoie, edited by Jack High. I cannot do his framework justice in my short comment, and I urge the interested reader to review Bradley’s work on this topic in its entirety. That said, his typology offers some examples of key categories for considering different types of regulatory interventions….”

Decades ago I found myself swamped with examples of government intervention into the oil and gas market as I came to the concluding chapters of what would be later published as Oil, Gas, and Government: The U.S.

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“Not Cheap, Not ‘Green’” at the California Energy Commission

By Tom Tanton -- August 26, 2022 1 Comment

“In my period at Cato (1990–present), “Renewable Energy: Not Cheap, Not ‘Green’“, is probably our most important Policy Analysis in the energy/environment area. Bradley’s thorough review and analysis (60 pages, 325 footnotes) was a real pushback against the viability of ‘green’ energy in theory and practice.”

– Jerry Taylor, Senior Fellow and Director, Natural Resource Studies, Cato Institute, 2012

On the fifteenth [25th] anniversary of “Renewable Energy: Not Cheap, Not ‘Green’” (yesterday’s post), I recall, with pride, a lot of hard work that went into supplying the author with information about California’s wind and solar experience.

At the time I was working in the belly of the beast, the California Energy Commission (CEC) in Sacramento. The Commission was a major proponent of all things renewable, almost to the point of fanaticism.…

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Classical Liberalism and Electricity: An (Unfinished) Exchange with Lynne Kiesling

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 16, 2022 No Comments

“The propensity of government intervention to have unintended consequences and expand from its own shortcomings has taken over a vital U.S. industry. It is time for fundamental free-market, classical-liberal reform with electricity.”

For some time, I have questioned the work of electricity specialist Lynne Kiesling in regard to classical liberalism, market process economics, and Public Choice theory. She dons the mantle of all three traditions; I believe her approach is the opposite.

There are hidden assumptions and views that she does not want to talk about: climate alarmism; forced energy transformation. (Why?) And down under, her premise is that a “market failure” exists with electricity that necessitates government intervention. And with this intervention, she has fallen into a central planning approach that begs for a classical liberal autopsy and policy reversal.…

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Elevated CO2 Reduces Temperature Stress in Plants

By -- July 20, 2022 No Comments

“So when the next summer heat wave arrives along with all the negative spin stories demonizing CO2 as its cause, I hope you will remember this post and the numerous scientific studies proving rising CO2 levels helps plants better withstand and recover from temperature-induced stresses. And when you do remember this, please share it with others!”

It’s summer time once again in the Northern Hemisphere. And like every summer, expect the occasional heat wave to set off a fury of news stories hyping the claim that today’s heat waves are caused or made worse by anthropogenic global warming.

Of course there is no clear evidence to support such assertions (sorry, climate model projections are not evidence!). Yet, the warmer temperatures that have finally reached the cold part of the country in which I live got me thinking about my next post exploring the many biological benefits of rising atmospheric CO2.…

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IEA’s Fatih Birol: More Oil Now!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 13, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Mountain Valley Pipeline: 94 Percent Complete, FERC 6 Percent Incomplete

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 30, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

‘Ten Policies to Unleash American Energy and Fuel Recovery’ (API gets nine of ten right)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 27, 2022 3 Comments Continue Reading

Big Oil to Little Joe: Atlas Does Not Need to Shrug

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 23, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Offshore Obstructionism: Letter to Biden (July 1, 2022, deadline nears)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 10, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Trump Correct on the Paris Climate Accord (five year anniversary of withdrawal decision)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 1, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading