Severe Cold from Global Warming? NOPE (Doug Lewin in error)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 18, 2024 No Comments

“The fix is in with Doug Lewin, whose mission is the eradication of fossil fuels in power generation via the ‘virtual power plant’… Pick your term between ‘energy transformation,’ ‘deep decarbonization,’ Net Zero, Green New Deal.”

Doug Lewin, climate alarmist and PR voice for the Texas renewables industry, posts on social media with the tag line, “Growing jobs, increasing justice, and reducing pollution in Texas.” In his Texas Energy and Power Newsletter, he blamed the state’s current freeze on Global Warming (aka climate change) as follows:

Climate Impacts: We’ve Seen This Movie Before

A few days ago, when the forecasts for Jan. 15 were still at or near freezing, I started feeling like we’ve seen this movie before: warnings of a weakening polar vortex, steadily worsening forecasts each day … This is what happened in February 2021 and December 2022.

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“Green” Weaponization in Missouri: Ameren vs. Ratepayers, Taxpayers

By -- January 11, 2024 3 Comments

“Ameren Corporation claims, putting in SO2 scrubbers would cost more than securitizing Rush Island’s ‘stranded assets.’ However, Ameren is avoiding what it would fully cost to replace Rush Island’s critically needed and reliable capacity.”

Thomas Jefferson wrote in Volume 4 of  Notes on Virginia:  “With money we will get men, said Cæsar, and with men we will get money.”[1]

Such threats to keeping our constitutional republic are increasingly evident with the weaponization of many Federal Agencies (e.g., the Department of Justice, FBI, etc.), as well as numerous Biden Executive Orders for federal agencies to fight the “existential” threat of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

These threats, coupled with the plague of “woke” political agendas promoting “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) and/or “Diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), are forcibly reaching leading “investment management” firms (e.g.,…

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EV Struggles: Front Page News

By -- January 4, 2024 2 Comments

“Despite the optimists telling us how well EVs are selling and that the charging and cost issues will be quickly resolved, the industry struggles.  The math doesn’t work, and consumers are concluding hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) better meet their driving needs.  Auto executives are wondering whether their betting on the EV transition, even with mandates, is putting them on the road to bankruptcy.”

“The math doesn’t work,” Mark Fields, former Ford Motor CEO, told Joe Kernen of CNBC early last week.  Until the industry solves charging and cost issues, EV sales will continue to underperform.  The bottom line for Fields is that “the government [Biden administration] will have to back off” its policies mandating two-thirds of new vehicle sales being EVs by 2030.  Absent such an adjustment, emissions will worsen, and the EV transition will lag. …

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Appreciating the Master Resource (Part II: Energy Foes Agree!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 3, 2024 No Comments

[Ed. Note: Part I yesterday examined quotations on the primacy of energy for human betterment from friends of conventional energy. Today’s post adds respect from foes of oil, gas, and coal.

Free-market energy proponents gain the high ground when they stress the utilitarian nature of affordable, plentiful, reliable energy. Energy statists must play defense when their opponents stress the need to keep energy affordable for the less financially able and those billion-plus world citizens who do not have access to modern forms of energy.

Increased energy affordability is not bad but good. Yet cheap energy is the enemy to the other side (although the Obama greens will not publicly admit it). Julian Simon noticed as much when he wrote The Cheaper the Energy the Better during the BTU tax debate in 1993:

Some people simply believe that it is ipso facto a good thing to use less energy and have less economic growth.

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Whitewash on Display: Gaygate 2023, Climategate 2009

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 28, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

African Energy Chamber to COP28: We Want Fossil Fuels!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 13, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Argentinian Reform: Subsoil Privatization (Javier Milei, meet Guillermo Yeatts)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 30, 2023 2 Comments Continue Reading

Some Climategate Recollections (14th Anniversary)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 22, 2023 3 Comments Continue Reading

“Global Warming: A Dialogue” (Adler’s Judicial Activism Considered)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 16, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Kiesling: ISOs/RTOs Suffer from “The Knowledge Problem”(!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 1, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading