MasterResource Turns Five

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 26, 2013 6 Comments

On December 26, 2008, the free-market energy blog MasterResource began. Some 1,440 posts (from 150 authors) later, we are nearing two million views.

The original idea of MasterResource was to bring a distinguished group of energy experts together to attract a wider audience. The thinking was that a movement website would provide the critical mass to be heard in an increasingly crowded blogosphere.

Here was the original concept as explained in our first blog five years ago today:

We are just getting started here, but some of us veterans of the energy debate from a private property, free-market perspective have teamed together to offer our thoughts on late breaking energy items. When I read my newspapers each day, I have some thoughts that I wish I could share with folks from a historical, worldview perspective.

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Fighting AWEA in OH, MI, and DC: Thank You Volunteers for a Great 2013!

By Kevon Martis -- December 23, 2013 6 Comments

Thinking back over the past 12 months, it is amazing the things the Interstate Informed Citizens Coalition have accomplished together.

We attended nearly every Energy Forum in the state and brought informed speakers and testimony  before the MPSC and MEO.

I was able to present as a formal speaker in Traverse City. We picketed several Energy Forum events and handed out literature across the state and made our “Death Turbine” infamous!

We strengthened our ties with our Ohio brethren, excluding college football:


We picketed the AWEA in Columbus and East Lansing and got great press coverage for our efforts.

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4Q-2012: Continued Progress at MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 18, 2013 1 Comment

MasterResource, which turned four last month, recorded its best quarter in history with 116,877 views, a 20 percent increase from 4Q-2011. We reached as high as #7 of 9,984 “green blogs” tracked by Technorati in the quarter and currently stand at #40.

With one in-depth post per workday, with occasional weekend fare, MasterResource is the leading voice for free-market, science-of-liberty thought in energy and related environmental issues.

MasterResource features many different writers, some academics, some think-tank analysts, and others citizen-activists.  Some areas of emphasis and impact may be mentioned.

Inconvenient Truths of Industrial Wind

Literally dozens of our writers have made MasterResource a leader of the windpower educational movement.  Turning wind into electricity is wholly government-enabled; even NIMBYSM that might be criticized in other contexts is justified given that government mandates and special, outsized subsidies enables the rural invasion of wind machinery.

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3Q: 2012 Update: MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2012 No Comments

The last quarterly update began: “In the current energy debate, the diligent amateurs are often the real pros, and too many ‘pros’ are amateurish.” This one ends: “Energy realities are worth explaining and championing in a political world.”

Here, here–and hear, hear.

MasterResource continues to be a movement-wide voice of free-market scholarship on energy and energy-related environmental issues. Some 150 different authors have been featured at our site since its inception in late 2008. Total views are nearing 1.5 million, with many visits by those searching on a topic relevant to past posts.

MasterResource is a top 25 “green blog,” according to Technorati. It has been in the top ten in the last week and yesterday was #16 of more than 9,100 sites.

With 457 categories, MasterResource is a research tool, not only a timely contribution to energy scholarship and current political debates.…

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Wind Consequences (Part V – Other Considerations and Conclusions)

By Kent Hawkins -- September 27, 2012 9 Comments Continue Reading

Local Wind Subsidies: New York State's Money-Road to Nowhere

By Mary Kay Barton -- August 1, 2012 18 Comments Continue Reading

2Q-2012 Activity Report: MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 27, 2012 No Comments Continue Reading

'Determined Gentleman' vs. Big Wind (E&E News Profiles Droz, Taylor)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 27, 2012 5 Comments Continue Reading

Wimp Power: Some Quotations from Wind's Critics

By -- June 21, 2012 12 Comments Continue Reading

1Q–2012 Activity Report: MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 13, 2012 2 Comments Continue Reading