‘Deep Optimism Manifesto’ (David Siegel’s cure for ‘climate anxiety’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2022 No Comments

David Siegel is a man with a message. His Deep Optimism Manifesto spells out a new approach to viewing the world that is at once realistic and optimistic. Written last year, its message is timeless and timely. His opening quotation comes from Julian Simon’s essay in The State of Humanity, p. 642.

I am writing this in response to the Ecomodernism manifesto. It’s a group of smart people doing very important work to help improve the future for humanity and nature.

I think if they looked more into the science of climate change and the economics of abundance, they would arrive at Deep Optimism, a term coined by Matt Ridley, the rational optimist.

People who understand the economics of abundance don’t apply enough critical thinking to understanding climate and the natural world (Hans RoslingBjorn LomborgPeter DiamandisTyler Cowen, Steven Pinker).…

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Gas Furnaces: Big Brother Says No

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 11, 2022 1 Comment

“[The DOE exercise] is egregiously biased due to its reliance on overheated climate models, inflated emission scenarios, and pessimistic adaptation assumptions. Using biased [social cost of carbon] SC-GHG estimates to estimate net benefits is arbitrary and capricious..”

“Reasonable alternative assumptions about climate sensitivity and CO2 fertilization substantially drive down SC-GHG estimates, even pushing social cost values into negative territory.”

The climate road to serfdom is one step at a time on different paths. One path is decarbonization, one step is government policy prohibiting or discouraging homeowners from using gas furnaces of their liking. The simple answer, which Milton Friedman popularized a half-century ago, is: free to choose.

An activist U.S. Department of Energy seeks to regulate/prohibit gas furnaces on a pure physical efficiency standard, demoting up-front cost considerations, as well as back-end reliability issues (such as when the power goes out).…

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Global Decarbonization: Negative Agricultural Impacts

By -- September 15, 2022 1 Comment

“… a $150 per ton of CO2-equivalent (CO2e) tax [is estimated to globally] … increase the price of milk by approximately 49 percent, the price of rice by 67 percent, and the price of beef by a whopping 108 percent.”

Over the course of my career I have often been asked by concerned persons if there is any downside to implementing CO2 emission reduction policies on the off-chance that model projections of future climate change might be right. These well-meaning individuals do not necessarily believe or buy into the mantra of global warming extremism, they simply seek some sort of an insurance policy to defuse fears accumulated from the constant flow of projections of a forthcoming climate apocalypse.

And so it is when legislation like the recent U.S.…

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Environmentalists Petition EPA to Ban Natural Gas Use in Buildings

By -- September 9, 2022 7 Comments

“The environmentalists have been emboldened by their ‘win’ with the passage of the IRA. Never satisfied, their petition is one of the first attempts to expand it.”

It never ends…. In the wake of the 725-page “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA), consumer choice for energy could be intentionally restricted to electricity by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Or at least that seems to be the plan. According to a petition submitted by environmentalists, EPA should regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from using natural gas in homes and businesses.

The eco-lobby has been emboldened by their “win” with the passage of the IRA. Never satisfied, their petition is one of the first attempts to expand it.


On Tuesday, August 23, 2022,  The Hill published an article by  staffer  Rachel Frazin stating “26 health, environmental and consumer protection organizations” petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency for the ban in residences and commercial buildings, citing health and climate impacts.…

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All-Electric Forcing in the “Inflation Reduction Act” (up to $14,000 per home)

By -- August 9, 2022 14 Comments Continue Reading

Political Economy Energy Terms

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 7, 2022 2 Comments Continue Reading

Energy Efficiency under Biden’s DOE: An Update

By -- March 30, 2022 4 Comments Continue Reading

Solar Geoengineering and Deep Ecology: ‘Just Say No’ (climate alarmists running out of options)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 1, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Mark Krebs on Energy Efficiency under Biden’s DOE (Part IV of IV: More Issues)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 27, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Mark Krebs on Energy Efficiency under Biden’s DOE (Part III of IV: Biden’s Bias)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 26, 2022 9 Comments Continue Reading