Linowes: Negative Pricing Distortions of Windpower

By -- December 12, 2013 6 Comments

“The combination of the federal PTC and state RPS policies has shielded wind developers from the basic supply and demand forces present in a healthy competitive market. As a result, we are fast-tracking the construction of expensive renewable resources that are variable, operating largely off-peak, off-season and located long distances from where the energy is needed.”

As IER’s recent study found, the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) disproportionately benefits States with renewable energy mandates by distributing the high cost of their policies to taxpayers at large. And the benefit is enormous — at $23/MWh, the PTC’s pre-tax value of $35/MWh equals or exceeds the wholesale price of electricity in many parts of the country.

No traditional source of electric generation receives a federal subsidy as generous and condition-free as the PTC.

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Privileged Tax Treatment of Industrial Wind Generation: Time to End

By Kevon Martis -- December 11, 2013 2 Comments

“It makes absolutely no sense to claim that we need an ‘all of the above’ energy policy to wean us from ‘climate damaging’ fossil fuel plants by subsidizing a source of energy that can only replace a small fraction of that fossil generation but at a snail’s pace and very high price.”

My name is Kevon Martis. I am the volunteer director of the Interstate Informed Citizen’s Coalition, Inc. We are a bipartisan non-profit based in southeast Michigan.

I speak today at the IER/AEA Wind Policy Luncheon on behalf of citizens living on the front lines of Production Tax Credit (PTC)-driven industrial wind development in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana.

I will get right to the point: Why do we preferentially subsidize wind energy?

1. Is it to free the U.S. from Middle Eastern oil?

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Wind Power as ‘Misfit Technology’: Comments of Tom Stacy at IER Seminar

By Thomas Stacy II -- December 10, 2013 4 Comments

“The wind PTC is not a financial leg-up to an equivalent quality source to make it price competitive with conventional sources. The wind PTC rewards a misfit technology for its lack of control over its fuel source – a fuel that will continue to behave badly no matter how ‘price competitive’ our subsidies make it.”

This post reproduces my extemporaneous and prepared comments given at the Institute for Energy Research Panel on Wind Electricity, December 3, 2013.


There are basic things about the electricity system that everyone needs to know as a starting point.  For those who may not, let me retrace a simple concept: Electricity supply sources are of two basic types – those designed to be used nearly all the time and at a fairly steady and high percentage of their capabilities (base load sources), and those with greater flexibility, designed to be used less because at every instant year round there is a need for the sum of all electricity produced to precisely match demand fluctuations. 

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Ohio’s Blue Creek Wind Farm: Predictable Underperformance

By Jerry Graf -- December 3, 2013 6 Comments

“Many people point to the mandates of Ohio Senate Bill 221 or other such legislation in other states, which require the use of fashionable generation methods for electricity, as justification for subsidizing investment into economically questionable energy generation projects.

To me this is an exercise in circular logic, mandating that we have to use more expensive means of generating electricity, and then using the rising cost of electricity to justify subsidizing more expensive means of generating electricity.”

Jerry Graf – Effective Energy Strategy (March 2013)

In an editorial response printed in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (10/21/2013), four co-authors make the following points with regard to the Blue Creek Wind Farm and wind energy in general.

I have rearranged their words for brevity and direct the reader to the Journal Gazette website to read verbatim.

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Colorado’s Cedar Point Wind Farm – Energy Strategy or Corporate Welfare?

By Jerry Graf -- November 20, 2013 17 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: November 6, 2013

By -- November 6, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Stagnating U.S. Wind (government addiction creates bubble symptoms)

By -- November 4, 2013 3 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: October 23, 2013

By -- October 23, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

A Conservative, Biblical Case for Windpower? (a red-state, Tea Party strategy at work)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 21, 2013 11 Comments Continue Reading

$0.11/kWh: Why Wind Is More Expensive than Advertised

By Michael Giberson -- October 18, 2013 14 Comments Continue Reading