AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: July 7, 2014

By -- July 7, 2014 No Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at, which has a wealth of energy and environmental resources.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.


Greed Energy Economics:

Brookings: Economically, Wind & Solar are Worst Options

Bill Gates: “I Used to Take Electricity for Granted”. No more.

Levelized cost of energy: A limited metric

Why “Green Energy” is Economic Nonsense

Solar (and Wind): Green for the Air, Filthy for the Grid

Solar power compared to some conventional sources

Rooftop Solar Leases Scaring Buyers When Homeowners Sell

Net Metering 101

Greenpeace: “a threat to national economic security”

France Proposes Substituting Unreliables for Nuclear

New Study: The Economic Impact of the Illinois RPS

Green-collar crime ~ carbon markets and financial crime risks

Houston man allegedly sold more than $29 million in fake renewable credits

Senator Manchin: Don’t renew wind tax credit (PTC)

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Risky Argumentation: Henry Paulson (2014) Recycles Ken Lay (1997)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 30, 2014 5 Comments

“The business voices change, the decades change, but the arguments are familiar. Problem is, the global average temperature today is not appreciably higher than when Ken Lay penned his op-ed. The year 1998 would be the temperature peak, in fact, that marked the beginning of ‘the pause‘.”

Henry Paulson began his recent New York Times opinion-page editorial, “The Coming Climate Crash,” as follows:

“There is a time for weighing evidence and a time for acting. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout my work in finance, government and conservation, it is to act before problems become too big to manage.”

Ken Lay ended his Houston Chronicle opinion-page editorial of December 5, 1997, “Let’s Have an Ounce of Global-Warming Prevention,” [1] similarly:

“It’s time to stop debating the issues surrounding climate change initiatives and focus instead on simple, realistic, cost-effective solutions.

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Ad Hominem against MasterResource: Climate Alarmism at Wit’s End?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 11, 2014 3 Comments

 “The Master Resource people are whores of the fossil fuel industry. (Yes, that certainly includes you.)”

– David Appell (@davidappell) | March 5, 2014 at 10:33 pm |

Judith Curry at Climate, Etc. posted about a new analysis by Nic Lewis and Marcel Crok, “A sensitive matter:  How the IPCC buried evidence showing good news about global warming” (Global Warming Policy Foundation: press release here; short version here), for which she wrote an introduction (see Appendix B below).

Several hundred comments followed. A critical, emotive thread of comments toward Lewis/Crok, and by implication Curry, was coming from David Appell, a highly credentialed journalist with a widely read blog, Quark Soup, that focuses on climate issues from an alarmist perspective.

I noticed this comment from Dr. Appell in response to pokerguy (aka al neipris) | March 5, 2014 at 7:16 pm who argued that at lower climate sensitivity, the external effects would “more likely … be overwhelmingly positive in its effect.”…

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Textbook Government: Time for Real World Teaching?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 13, 2013 3 Comments

[Ed. note: This post reprints Mr. Bradley’s recent Houston Chronicle editorial, Textbooks Fail to Teach Real-World Government, with documentation and slight elaboration. His intellectual-diversity project at the high school he graduated from and taught at is]

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, in a much-debated column (“Sorry, kids. We ate it all” – October 16, 2013), made a surprising argument: A Vietnam War–type uprising by today’s youth could result from the federal government’s growing indebtedness and unsustainable social programs. He pointed to signs that the exploited will rise up against this intergenerational injustice in a way not seen since the 1960s. [1]

Having taught high school here in Houston, I know that today’s youth are eager to debate ideologically opposed viewpoints on major intellectual and political issues.

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Political Scientists: Gerald North and Andrew Dessler Double Down on Climate Alarmism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 11, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Blow for Energy Postmodernism: FERC Nominee Binz Bows Out

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 2, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News

By -- June 15, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Response to Media Matters on Wind Power Accidents (dilute or dense energy for health & safety?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 2, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

Cronyism on Trial: Introducing Crony & Study of American Capitalism Project

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 29, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: 3/11/13

By -- March 11, 2013 6 Comments Continue Reading