Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Mortality at Wind Farms: The Sanitized–and Rest–of the Story

By Jim Wiegand -- October 16, 2013 11 Comments

“I therefore suspect that the most likely reason for this missing information concerning eagle mortality at wind farm facilities was due to editing from the upper level positions within the ranks of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. These are same people responsible for the wind industry’s voluntary regulations.”

“So here is the rest of the story. Due to the lack of accountability and monitoring, a single permit could actually result in the death of a hundred of any species a permit is issued for. So much for ‘green’ energy and the public’s sacrifice for paying more for electricity.”

A few weeks ago, an article was published in The Journal of Raptor Research, “Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Mortalities at Wind Energy Facilities in the Contiguous United States.”

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Chambers of Commerce Falsely Promote Windpower (might be repeated in your local)

By Glenn Schleede -- October 15, 2013 7 Comments

“Businesses that are planning to provide equipment or services to the wind industry especially need objective information about wind energy.… Participating in industries that are dependent on federal tax breaks and subsidies can be dangerous, particularly at a time of massive federal deficits and a national debt of about $17 trillion.”

A highly misleading article, “Winds of change blow across Ohio,” by the CEO of the Van Wert (OH) Area Chamber of Commerce, Susan Munroe, was published by the Fort Wayne (IN) Journal Gazette on October 7, 2013. Such reflects a new battlefront in the politics of wind with local chambers of commerce arguing for wind projects in their areas.

Ms. Munroe claims that the 304 Megawatt (MW) Blue Creek Wind Farm, built in Northwestern Ohio by a subsidiary of Spain-based Iberdrola, provides substantial energy and economic benefits.…

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Windaction News Issue: October 9, 2013

By -- October 9, 2013 1 Comment

News and information from
The WindAction Group

facts, analysis, exposure of industrial wind energy’s real impacts

Recent Articles

Wind developer clashes with power grid operator

Minimum Generation Emergencies generally occur during temperate nights, when power demand is at an annual low. Blomberg said that when this happens, the first generators to be called off are those outside the region. The next generators ISO calls off are the “self-schedulers.” These are the generators that bid into…

Gadsden City Council supports proposed wind turbine regulations

The council unanimously voted in favor the resolution, which supports a bill pre-filed by State Sen. Phil Williams (R-Rainbow City). Williams’ draft bill would require wind farm developers to get a permit from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. It would also establish height requirements, setbacks, and mandate that noise…

PUC rules UMaine wind farm proposal must be made public

“As a general principle, the more information that’s in the public view, the better, because people may have interesting, important things to say to us,” said PUC Chairman Thomas Welch in an interview after PUC deliberations took place in Hallowell.

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Windfarm Mortality: Environmental Disinformation, Ecodamage

By Mark Duchamp -- September 26, 2013 14 Comments

“Put simply, wind farms are causing considerable damage to nature’s balance, for no benefit whatsoever to society. Indeed, no country in the world has reduced its carbon footprint thanks to them…. It is high time to call a moratorium on wind farms, and examine the situation after ditching our blinkers.”

Wind turbines kill birds and bats, we all know that, but the billion-dollar question is: how many? I say “billion” because subsidies to the wind industry run into billions of dollars per year in the United States alone, and chances are the public would not support such expenditures if they found out that these machines were driving iconic, useful or beautiful species into extinction. It is therefore important to find out the extent of the mortality caused by their rotor blades and high tension power lines.…

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Windaction News Issue: September 25, 2013

By -- September 25, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

New York Wind Wars: Hiding the Facts (PTC allows Invenergy to desecrate)

By Mary Kay Barton -- September 12, 2013 16 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: September 11, 2013

By -- September 11, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

Letter to New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers: Seven Reasons to Reject Big Wind (Part II)

By Annette Smith -- September 10, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Dear New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers: Back Off Windpower for a Better Environment! (Part I)

By Annette Smith -- September 9, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Reasons to Sell Enron Wind (October 1998 memo to Ken Lay)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 22, 2013 3 Comments Continue Reading