For First Time in History, India Creates Surplus Energy (coal to the rescue)

By Vijay Jayaraj -- June 14, 2016 24 Comments

“Nearly 50 percent of the states in India will experience surplus power …. [This] is a significant leap for a country that has been reeling under an energy crisis, and where 280 million people don’t have access to electricity at all.

What has brought about this transformation? Not surprisingly, it is the country’s energy backbone—coal.”

India is a big player in the global energy market. Along with China, the country’s energy policy came under heavy scrutiny at the Climate Summit in Paris last year. The climate change obsessed West wants to strike a deal with the two giants from Asia for conversion from fossil fuel to renewables.

But the pressure from the West is almost laughable compared to the benefits of fossil fuels. For the first time in its history, the Indian government announced that the country will not face an energy deficit in the year 2016–2017.…

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Trump’s Energy Speech: Strong Free Market Directions

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 1, 2016 6 Comments

“And if Crooked Hillary can shut down the mines, she can shut down your business too.”

“These actions have denied millions of Americans access to the energy wealth sitting under our feet. This is your treasure, and you – the American People – are entitled to share in the riches.”

“We’re going to rescind all the job-destroying Obama executive actions including the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.”

On May 26, Donald Trump gave his first major energy speech. It advocates a rollback of the energy statism of President Obama, which would continue under Hillary Clinton (but not Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee for President).

There is much to like in Trump’s agenda, and nothing better than calling the bluff of the climate alarmists who profess to want to save the climate but have a variety of other agendas at work.

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James Hansen on Cap-and-Trade: One More Time (fee-and-dividend can be politicized too)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 19, 2016 6 Comments

“After this Waxman/Markey bill reached 3500 pages in length I stopped counting. Every lobbyist who could raise his arm to write a paragraph got it stapled into the bill. Legislators were paying off the people who paid them off. That’s the way our Washington politics seems to work.”

– James Hansen, “Canadian Common Sense.” May 16, 2016.

As U.S. states and foreign jurisdictions contemplate or implement cap-and-trade regimes as their preferred way to price carbon dioxide (CO2), it is good to see James Hansen raise his voice–again–on the issue. One only wishes that Hansen, the father of the global warming scare twenty-six years ago, would come out for market adaptation over cap-and-trade as his second-best option.

Hansen is upset that politicians are telling him to forget his carbon tax (fee-and-dividend) idea.…

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Climate: The Real ‘Worrisome Trend’ (Part II: Policy and Intent)

By Joe D'Aleo -- May 12, 2016 8 Comments

Who is pushing this end-of-hydrocarbon-energy to prevent an end-of-world-calamity agenda? The list is long and includes politicians and UN globalists (look up Agenda 21) who seek more power and control over every aspect of your life.

Scientists, environmentalists, green NGOs and corporations are all chasing the $1.5 trillion per year that feeds the climate crisis and renewable energy industry. The lengthy list also includes scientifically illiterate population-control socialists and Hollywood cause seekers, who are all supported by environmental journalists who never question any “green” causes or scare stories.

Many use the “precautionary principle” to justify drastic actions that perversely have truly drastic consequences, intended or unintended.

Bad Policy, Bad Impacts

Eco-fanaticism has already pummeled Europe. In the past ten years, the price of electricity in Europe has climbed by an average of 63 percent.…

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Peak Not: Michael Lynch Defeats the Mainstream

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 28, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading

Shale Gas in India: Ready to Launch (but water, subsoil socialism are obstacles)

By TS Maini and M Vaid -- April 27, 2016 5 Comments Continue Reading

The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP): Warring Against Gas

By -- April 26, 2016 4 Comments Continue Reading

“Oil Prices and the Business Cycle” (Interview with Robert L. Bradley Jr.)

By Robert Murphy -- April 25, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading

Offshore Wind Decommissioning: The Bad End of a Bad Technology

By Kent Hawkins -- April 21, 2016 5 Comments Continue Reading

“Grid-Enabled” Water Heating: “Deep Decarbonization” as Crony Environmentalism (Part II)

By -- March 10, 2016 No Comments Continue Reading