Citizens versus Lobbyists: How to Win the Big Wind War (Part II)

By -- August 16, 2013 6 Comments

(See part 1.) To identify optimum tactics, we need to start with a clear idea of who  the opposition is–and what are their strengths and weaknesses. A careful assessment of this situation will reveal the reality that citizen groups fighting alternative energy promoters are the underdogs.

Briefly, the opponents are:

1 – The Wind Industry [lobbyists (e.g. AWEA), manufactures (e.g. Vesta), developers (e.g. Iberdrola), installers (e.g. Horizon), investors (e.g. Goldman Sachs), and some utilities].

2 – Most large mainstream environmental organizations (e.g. Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists).

3 – Some labor unions and businesses.

4 – Many Academics (e.g. at Pace, Stanford).

5 – Many of our representatives and agencies: Federal (e.g. Congress, DOE, FERC); State (e.g. legislators, PSC, DEC); Local (e.g. county, town board, planning board).

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Citizens vs Lobbyists: The Big Wind War (Part I)

By -- August 15, 2013 5 Comments

“I used to believe that understanding the basics, being passionate, working hard, and being on the factually correct side of an issue was enough. These ingredients are necessary, but are not sufficient. We also have to use effective PR techniques. Properly phrasing our message, its timing, and getting it to the right people are critical.” 

As a citizen, my hope is that our representatives make technical policy decisions based on genuine science. Such an assessment would thoroughly review all pertinent technical, economic and environmental (which includes health) aspects of what is being considered.

To date that has not been the case with energy and environmental policies. The main reason for this is that citizens are engaged in an epic battle with lobbyists (representing clients with financial and/or political agendas) — yet most people are not even aware of this war, and hardly any are properly prepared for such an engagement.

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Windaction News Issue: August 14, 2013

By -- August 14, 2013 No Comments’s periodic newsletter keeps readers updated on the latest news in the wind energy industry!

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facts, analysis, exposure of wind energy’s real impacts

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Regulator hears opposition to wind project   August 13
by Ray Scherer  in St. Joseph News-Press — Kansas
But setting an attendance record for the center wasn’t the purpose for the audience members, many of whom raised hands to express their opposition to Clean Line’s efforts. The utility seeks to construct a 700-mile overhead, high-voltage direct current transmission line to send 3,500 megawatts of wind power from western Kansas to eastern states, more…
Ruling alarms clean energy industry  August 13
by Hannah Northey in E&E News — New England
A federal judge’s decision this week that New England electric transmission companies should make less money on power line projects has triggered concern among wind and solar generators hoping to see a revitalization and expansion of the country’s aging grid.
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DOE Misdirection: 8/6/13 Press Release & Report on Wind Energy

By Glenn Schleede -- August 12, 2013 4 Comments

“Secretary Moniz must know that the VALUE of a kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity produced by wind turbines is much less than the VALUE of a kWh of electricity from reliable generating units….”

“It’s a sad fact that many reporters and editors either don’t have the capability to evaluate claims made by government officials, lobbyists, and/or organizations producing biased reports and press releases. Instead, they repeat misleading claims and help mislead the public, other media, and government officials that make policies that add unnecessarily to costs borne by ordinary citizens, consumers and taxpayers.”

A highly misleading August 6th press release and report from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) press release and report claimed that in 2012, wind was “the fastest growing source of power in the United States.”

This raises two questions:


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Beyond Wind Spin: Miami Herald Should Get It Right

By Glenn Schleede -- August 6, 2013 14 Comments Continue Reading

Why U.S. Wind Installations Are Slowing

By -- August 3, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: August 1, 2013

By -- August 1, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Wind Pricing: Not Cheap but Subsidized

By -- July 23, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: July 6, 2013

By -- July 6, 2013 1 Comment Continue Reading

The Incompatibility of Wind and Crop ‘Farming’

By -- July 1, 2013 15 Comments Continue Reading