Climate Malthusianism: James Hansen’s Latest

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 3, 2016 7 Comments

“In the United Nations Paris Accord last December world leaders promised to try to reduce future emissions. These politicians shamelessly clapped each other on the back, pretending they had accomplished something important. However, they had agreed beforehand not to even discuss the only action that could rapidly reduce global emissions.”

– James Hansen, “‘I am an Energy Voter’” February 23, 2016.

James Hansen is mad at the “I am an Energy Voter” campaign that encourages consumers to vote for their favorite energies at the ballot box, not only at the pump. Hansen, in fact, is mad at the free society where buyers voluntarily buy and sellers voluntarily sell. Ludwig von Mises called that consumer sovereignty.

Hansen wants otherwise. Renewables as savior is for the Tooth Fairy, he believes, so nuclear and forced conservation (conservationism) is atop his agenda — forced by a punitive carbon tax (or fee-and-dividend as he puts it).…

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 25, 2016

By -- January 25, 2016 2 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more interesting articles in this issue are:

Five Reasons Why We Shouldn’t Subsidize Wind or Solar

Study: 3.8 Million US Jobs will be Lost in the Transition to Renewables

Turbine Noise Calculations for 1238 Homes

New Research on Turbines Killing Bats

Broken Wing: Birds, Blades and Broken Promises

Recycling: An Energy Loser

No Matter Where It’s Sited, Industrial Wind Energy is a NET loser

MIT PhD writes op-ed on some Wind Limitations

Community once in favor of wind energy, now overwhelmingly opposed

Climate Alarmists now Attacking Satellite Data

Climate Change Science & the Climate Change Scare

Paris Agreement: Recycled Socialism

Conservatives, Climate Change, and the Carbon Tax

1400 CEOs – Climate Change Not a Major Worry

1001 Reasons why Global Warming is so Over in 2016

New Scientific Study: “A New View on Climate Change

The Corrosion of Conformity on Campus


Greed Energy Economics:

Five Reasons Why We Shouldn’t Subsidize Wind or Solar

Study: 3.8 Million US Jobs will be Lost in the Transition to Renewables

Pope Francis and the Climate for Giving

60 Minutes: China is behind The Great Brain Robbery

Insurers: Global Warming Makes Natural Disasters Less Expensive

The Gov’t Has Spent a Lot on Electric Cars — Is it Worth it?

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Stanford’s Jacobson Spins Energy Misinformation (100% renewables fantasy)

By Steve Everley -- January 7, 2016 24 Comments

Environmental groups frequently claim that replacing fossil fuels with renewables will lead to more job opportunities. But according to a study that those same groups frequently cite, it’s not that simple.

According to research compiled by Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson, whose recent study outlines a “roadmap” for transitioning to 100% renewable energy, replacing fossil fuels with renewable technologies like wind and solar would actually cause a net loss of 1.2 million long-term jobs.

Jacobson’s data break out the number of long-term jobs that would be eliminated by sector. In transportation, more than 2.4 million men and women would be put out of work. Over 800,000 people working to produce oil and natural gas would lose their jobs. Nearly 90,000 jobs connected to coal mining would be wiped out.…

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Paris Hype: Remember Kyoto (“this agreement will be good for Enron stock!!”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 15, 2015 5 Comments

“If implemented, this agreement will do more to promote Enron’s business than will almost any other regulatory initiative outside of restructuring of the energy and natural gas industries in Europe and the United States. The potential to add incremental gas sales, and additional demand for renewable technology is enormous. In addition, a carbon emissions trading system will be developed.”

– John Palmisano, from Kyoto, Japan (1997)

A Hall of Shame crony memo just turned 18 years old. Dated December 12, 1997, it was written from Kyoto, Japan, in the afterglow of the Kyoto Protocol agreement by Enron lobbyist John Palmisano.

Global green planners such as Palmisano were euphoric that, somehow, someway, the world had embarked on an irreversible course of climate control (and thus industrial and land-use control). His memo reflects the train-just-left-the-station mentality, as well as the specific benefits for first-mover ‘green’ Enron.…

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Global Cooling: Do Not Forget (false alarm was tied to coal burning too)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 3, 2015 7 Comments Continue Reading

James Hansen on the Coming Paris Fail (Kyoto II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 30, 2015 3 Comments Continue Reading

The UN’s Coming Paris Folly: Part 1

By Roger Bezdek and Paul Driessen -- November 24, 2015 19 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: November 23, 2015

By -- November 23, 2015 No Comments Continue Reading

Conversations with a Central Planner (electricity comrade needs help, a parody)

By Jim Clarkson -- November 18, 2015 1 Comment Continue Reading

Obama’s Keystone XL Rejection: $260 million Annually for Koch Industries?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 10, 2015 1 Comment Continue Reading