Paris Climate Accord Withdrawal Underway (Trump, Dense Energy Winning)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 12, 2019 5 Comments

“Getting out of the Paris climate treaty is the single biggest and most important deregulatory action taken by the Trump administration.”

– Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute, November 8, 2019

The Trump Administration continues to keep its promises when it comes to climate policy. The focus is on free-market adaptation, not alarmist, government-led mitigation, to deal with the uncertainties of future weather events, whether natural or otherwise.

A 277-word press release from The U.S. Department of State, On the U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, is from Secretary Mike Pompeo.

Today the United States began the process to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Per the terms of the Agreement, the United States submitted formal notification of its withdrawal to the United Nations. The withdrawal will take effect one year from delivery of the notification.

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Trump on the American Energy Revolution (9th Annual Shale Insight Conference, Pittsburgh)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 29, 2019 1 Comment

“Energy was just the first step in so many other ways. But without energy, it all doesn’t happen.”

“… we’re at a very, very good point environmentally right now.”

“Anti-energy zealots are blinded by ideology. Democrats want to ban shale energy, but shale energy has reduced America’s carbon emissions by 527 million metric tons per year. So what are they doing? A much better record than the European Union, which is always telling us how to do it. We should be telling them how to do it, based on our economy.”

“And congratulations to all of you, our great energy people, for what you’ve been able to accomplish, especially in the last three years…. [T]he path to that future starts right here in shale country, with all of you — the proud patriots of Pennsylvania and Ohio and West Virginia.”

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‘America’s Energy Dominance and Manufacturing Revival’ (Trump Remarks, August 13, 2019)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 19, 2019 3 Comments

“[The Paris Accord] would have taken away our wealth…. We had to pay money to other countries that are very substantial countries. They wanted to take away your wealth. They didn’t want you to drill. They didn’t want you to frack.  They didn’t want you to do steel.”

But what we want now is not independence; we want American energy dominance. Dominance

– President Donald Trump, August 13, 2019

At the construction site of Royal Dutch Shell’s Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex in western Pennsylvania last week, President Trump delivered an industrial speech that clearly distinguished his energy exceptionalism, energy dominance, energy optimism theme versus the climate-doom, keep-it-in-the-ground, Green-New-Deal worldview. The backdrop is Beaver County, Pennsylvania where a badly needed, long-awaited manufacturing revival is in process.

Shell Project

Shell’s multi-billion-dollar project will turn low-cost ethane from the Marcellus and Utica basins into polyethylene, a building block for many plastics.…

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Trump on Energy: August 1, 2019, Cincinnati Rally

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 13, 2019 3 Comments

“I withdrew our country from the job killing and very expensive Paris Climate Accord. Last year coal exports were up 92% compared to 2016. 92%, do you believe that? You’re shipping it all over the world. To Vietnam. I was in Vietnam and they said, ‘We get coal from Ohio. We get coal from West Virginia. It’s the finest coal in the world.’”

MasterResource has documented the energy/climate views of President Donald Trump both before and after his election in 2016 (here). The historic nature of his views requires constant updates, particularly with the other side declaring war against oil, gas, and coal and waging lawsuits against fossil-fuel companies.

Here are his words from the Cincinnati, Ohio rally earlier this month:

  • Our shared Republican agenda is pro worker, pro jobs, pro family, pro growth, and 100% pro American.
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Trump Environmental Update: July 8, 2019

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 10, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading

Trump at 2019’s G20: Weakening the Global Climate Cartel

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 2, 2019 1 Comment Continue Reading

Trump’s Latest on Climate: Right Again! (re UK’s Piers Morgan, Prince Charles)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 10, 2019 No Comments Continue Reading

Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord (two-year anniversary Saturday)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 30, 2019 16 Comments Continue Reading

Trump on Avian Mortality (remembering NRDC’s silence at Altamont Pass)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 20, 2019 No Comments Continue Reading

Trump vs. the Green New Deal

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 16, 2019 5 Comments Continue Reading