“In business and economic terms, what is physically ‘worse’ [with climate] today is actually better [than in the past]. Thus I would argue that social justice demands affordable A/C for many more or all rather than mitigation policies that make A/C less affordable or unaffordable.”
This exchange was with Susan Krumdieck, “Professor, Author and Leader in Energy Transition Engineering.” While I have criticized her approach to “transition engineering” as uneconomic in a true marketplace and thus government-driven, I appreciate her polite engagement toward mutual learning.
Our latest exchange began with her post comment:
Thanks everyone for sharing the news about the extreme weather. But I feel like we are on a run-away train. Here is a metaphor story. Maybe it will help.
Her article, “We Are All on Board a Speeding Train,” (August 17, 2020) followed.…
Continue ReadingBig Brother Warning: Banning gas stoves is just the start. A long list of household appliances are on the federal hit list to be either banned, made ineffective, or made too expensive to buy.
“Something is terribly wrong with the current direction of federal regulation. Not only are the number and scope of new rules out of control, but many are driven by the blind ambition to ban the use of fossil fuels without regard for the stability of the power grid or the actual health and safety of citizens.”
While EPA is finalizing rules that will essentially ban natural gas and coal-powered electricity generation, risking blackouts according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, other federal regulators are working on plans to ban gasoline-powered portable generators. The very thing that people need when the power goes out, backup generators, will soon be back-door banned just in time for the power blackouts that the new EPA rules are poised to cause.…
Continue ReadingEd. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnighly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
*** The ultimate debunking of “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels.”
*** Wind and Solar Are NOT Cheaper than Coal and Oil
*** World Now Wasting $1 Trillion or More per Year Investing in Useless Renewables
*** Offshore wind has a cost crisis
“Green” Jobs at Ford and GM Will Cost Taxpayers as Much as $7.7 Million Each
Soaring costs are derailing offshore wind projects across the world
Unreliables (General):
*** Renewable Energy Storage Requirements
*** NYISO Report: Power outages coming to NYC by 2025, and maybe upstate too
*** Democrats whine about utility hikes caused by their own dumb policies
*** Batteries
Renewables versus the grid at PJM
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** How Much Does Offshore Wind Power Threaten Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales?…