From Zond to Enron Wind to GE Wind: Founder Interview (government enablement for the record)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 4, 2016 7 Comments

“Clearly the work of the U.S. Government laboratories played a crucial role in wind resource assessment and critically needed impetus to technology development―a role the private sector viewed as either too risky or representing an inadequate business opportunity. NREL has led and nurtured wind technology toward commercial viability since the 1970s and, in my view, this work represents one of the best return-on-investments in energy technology ever made by Uncle Sam.”

–  Jim Dehlsen, the founder of Zond Energy Systems (2003)

Enron might have saved the US wind industry in the mid-to-late 1990s. It began with its purchase of Zond Energy Systems in late 1996. At the time, Zond was in financial trouble, and its main domestic competitor, Kenetech, was in worse shape and would soon declare bankruptcy.

With Enron’s capital (and reputation at the time), the renamed Enron Wind Corp.…

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Big Wind’s Big Spin

By -- April 20, 2016 9 Comments

The American Wind Energy Association (‘AWEA’) claims big wind had a spectacular 2015, but we looked past the slick advertising and found the same AWEA rhetoric with extra pixie dust applied.

According to the American Wind Energy Association (“AWEA”) big wind had a spectacular 2015.

Jobs were up 20%, emissions down, more wind megawatts were installed than any other fuel source, and happy landowners pocketed a cool $222 million for their trouble. The media dutifully sang America’s good fortune. Imagine: a last Congressional vote in December mandating $15.8 billion in wind PTC payouts and everything is now right as rain. That is, until you look past the slick advertising and realize the boasted gains are nothing more than AWEA rhetoric with extra pixie dust applied.

The “Jobs Game”

The industry touted 15,000 jobs added in 2015, bringing the total to 88,000, including 1,800 new manufacturing positions.[1]…

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Tom Stacy: Heroic Ohioan for Affordable Electricity

By Sherri Lange -- April 14, 2016 15 Comments

“Protest loudly, politely, and often, and sue at every turn. Expose greed and support sound science…. Finally, always speak from a position of integrity and truth and NEVER exaggerate the way the wind industry does. It is possible, though not expected, that eventually truth will win the day. Be proud because you have the truth on your side – whether you win or not.”

– Interview with Tom Stacy (below)

“Finally, the wind lobby is telling the press and environmental groups that freezing the mandate will cost tens of thousands of renewables manufacturing jobs in Ohio. But the truth is Ohio has manufacturing jobs because we have the infrastructure, the natural resources, the education opportunities and the skills to compete in manufacturing. More expensive electricity would hurt that competitive advantage and cost Ohio jobs on net.”…

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Model Wind Ordinance: Leveling the Playing Field

By -- April 7, 2016 No Comments

“The [Large Wind Energy Facility] Applicant shall assure the Town that there will be no loss in real property value within two miles of each wind turbine within their LWEF. To legally support this claim, the Applicant shall consent in writing to a Real Property Value Protection Agreement as a condition of approval for the LWEF. This Agreement shall provide assurance to non-participating real property owners (i.e. those with no turbines on their property) near the LWEF, that they have some protection from LWEF-related real property values losses.”

As Master Resource readers know, the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) promotes sound scientific solutions. One of our main interests is to provide communities encountering proposals for industrial wind-energy installations reliable, up-to-date information (see and protection.

Based on our recent work with some New York communities, a model wind ordinance law has been devised for use in other locals.…

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 28, 2016

By -- March 28, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading

“Denier” Charge from Jerry Taylor: How Low Can He Go?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 15, 2016 22 Comments Continue Reading

On Scientific Method: Comment on Hawkins

By Jon Boone -- February 24, 2016 9 Comments Continue Reading

Jane Mayer on Energy Policy: Some Corrections

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 11, 2016 No Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 25, 2016

By -- January 25, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading

RFF Goes Nice on Renewables: Revisiting a 1999 Paper and Its Criticism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 21, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading