‘America First Energy Plan’ (climate-change histrionics demoted)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 23, 2017 3 Comments

As observed by the anti-fossil-fuel Left, minutes after becoming President Trump, the White House’s climate webpage was deleted and a new page inserted. As it turned out, Obama’s White House (per John Holdren) did not have an energy page.

ThinkProgress (Center for American Prosperity) ominously reported the above substitution:

On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Minutes later, the White House website switched hands — and previous pages detailing President Obama’s climate change plans went dark. The new website features, instead, a page dedicated to “An American First Energy Plan,” which details the new administration’s stance towards energy and (a lack of) climate policy.

The new White House home page under ‘ISSUES: Top Issues’ leads with “America First Energy Plan.”…

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“Houston Chronicle” Editorial: A Global-Warming Scare Story

By Chip Knappenberger -- January 18, 2017 9 Comments

“But what is lost in simplistic news stories announcing each new record, or worse, ignored in lurid stories casting these records as indicators of future climate catastrophe (and oftentimes promoting efforts to mitigate future trends through federal efforts to regulate energy choice), is that the on-going temperature rise is proceeding much more slowly than has been anticipated.”

It’s been eight years since I wrote this piece critical of the exaggerated “concern” that the Houston Chronicle showed in its coverage of climate change and its causes and implications. How has my critique held up?

Back in January of 2009, the Chronicle was touting yet another “warmest year on record.” This is was true then, just as it is true today (regarding 2016). The earth is warming up, and humans play a role in this trend.…

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 16, 2017

By -- January 16, 2017 4 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Green Energy is a Charter for Crooks and Liars

NC Legislative Leaders Ask Homeland Security to Review Wind Project

Excellent short video: The “F” Word

Short video: How the energy transition is destroying our environment

Wind Energy – A Runaway Failure for Nearly 4 Decades (Part 1 of 3)

Industrial Wind Turbines “Incredibly Intrusive”

A nuclear America can be a great America

NuScale files first US SMR license application

In 2040: 85%± of our energy will come from fossil fuels and nuclear

Georgia Tech Climatologist Dr.

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My Time at Enron: For the Record (again)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 9, 2017 2 Comments

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) and its advocacy arm, the American Energy Alliance (AEA), are in the news.

As reported last month in the Los Angeles Times, and more recently in Bloomberg Politics, IER/AEA are involved in the free-market directions that the president-elect and his team have followed to date.

One account described the founding of IER as follows:

The Institute for Energy Research was founded to be a clearinghouse for energy information in 1989 in Houston by Robert L. Bradley Jr., a speechwriter for Enron chief executive Kenneth Lay, who was later convicted of securities fraud.

Given that this association is part of the political conversation (Joe Romm started it in 2009: see below), and the continuing attention that is ahead for IER/AEA, I wish to revisit the historical record about my time at Enron that overlapped with IER.…

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Cornwell Alliance Petition for EPA Administrator Nominee (real environmentalism, not dogma)

By E. Calvin Beisner -- January 7, 2017 No Comments Continue Reading

Direct-Use Natural Gas Needs a Free Market Too (‘deep decarbonization’ easy target for elimination in new policy era)

By -- January 4, 2017 1 Comment Continue Reading

Alex Epstein: Ready to Make 2017 the Year of Fossil Fuels (energy education for the moral high ground)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 3, 2017 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 2, 2017

By -- January 2, 2017 No Comments Continue Reading

Yes, ‘Inside Climate News,’ the Fossil Fuels are Thankful (as are consumers and taxpayers!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 27, 2016 1 Comment Continue Reading

Reset at Resources for the Future? (latest fundraising pitch hints at intellectual diversity)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 21, 2016 No Comments Continue Reading