A Free-Market Energy Blog

Dissecting a Wind Project: An Introduction to Bad Economics (and political correctness)

By Bill Schneider -- November 14, 2022

“My own personal experience turned me from being ‘mildly agnostic’ about intermittent renewable power to being a strong opponent of such schemes. And outside of some ephemeral political argument about ‘saving the planet’ … intermittent power schemes, whereby the generation capacity is linked to either a regional grid or large power user that relies upon predictable energy, should be avoided at all costs.”

This is an energy story, a personal one – and it begins back when I first saw the option on my utility bill while living in a suburb of Boston back in 1999. I could elect to pay more for “green” power, about 20 percent more. “Buying a cup of coffee to save the planet” seems reasonable. I checked the box.

This was how an “Average Joe” thought~23 years ago.…

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Fossil Fuels for Africa! African Energy Chamber at COP 27

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 10, 2022

Ed. note: A recent manifesto from NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber, should be studied by social justice advocates around the world, not only the energy and environmental communities.

“… why should we in Africa give up our fossil fuels – fuels that represent solutions to some of our most pressing needs – when so many others question the wisdom of doing the same? We shouldn’t. And we shouldn’t be forced to.”

“Will fossil fuel development in Africa signal an end to all of the world’s good intentions and net zero ambitions?  Or is this an example of ‘green colonialism’?”

Africans need and deserve affordable, plentiful, reliable energies, not dilute, intermittent, parasitic ones. First class energies for first class people has been a rallying cry here at MasterResource.…

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CLINTEL Message to Public: ‘There is No Climate Emergency”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 9, 2022

“… for those who still believe that CO2-emissions are pollution, we urge you to remember that CO2 is essential for all life on Earth. Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global biomass. It is also very favorable for agriculture, increasing crop yields worldwide.”

“If we continue to invest in innovation, mankind can easily cope with any effect of further warming. Hence, we must stop the demoralizing back-to-the-past mitigation solutions. We observe that it only leads to decline and poverty.”

Guus Berkhout, President of CLINTEL

Climate Intelligence is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. A recent manifesto, There is No Climate Emergency: A Message to the People, follows:

In the past decades the public has been flooded with fear-mongering stories, telling them that global temperatures will rise to catastrophically high levels.…

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Climate Policy: A Hard Sell (E&E News)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 8, 2022
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Energy and Environmental Review: November 7, 2022

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 7, 2022
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Gas Furnaces and Big Brother Revisited

By -- November 3, 2022
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Massachusetts’ 1,200 MW Offshore Wind Project ‘no longer viable’ (rough waters ahead?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 2, 2022
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The Dangers of Low Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations

By -- November 1, 2022
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David Suzuki: Halloween Scary

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 31, 2022
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Doug Sheridan on the Growing Recognition of Fossil Fuel Morality

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 28, 2022
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