A Free-Market Energy Blog

Big Climate Brother Coming Your Way (voluntary now, mandatory later)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 27, 2022

“If alive today, F. A. Hayek would recognize and warn against the climate ‘road to serfdom.’ It is an evil that comes in steps, never in the whole. But the warning signs are increasing. It is time to expose and resist, politely but firmly.”

The climate crusade has no end point because it is futile. But the intellectual, political, media elite are not going to stop at failure. They will march on and on with the message that the public must sacrifice to save the earth.

Imagine a U.S. Department of Climate. Want to eat meat? Want to grill? Use a gas stove. Want to leave the lights on? No, these activities might be subject to the knock on the door in Authoritarian America. (All for the ‘common good’, of course.)…

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What Environmentalists Don’t Know About Petroleum (that last 30 percent)

By -- October 26, 2022

Environmentalists fighting to ban oil and gas need to learn about the 30 percent of the barrel they ignore when they espouse a world powered exclusively by electricity generated by renewables. Replacing the organic properties of petroleum is a life-threatening void in the hubris of the enemies of mineral energies.

…it is estimated industrialized nations currently consume petrochemical products at a rate of 3.5 gallons of oil per day per person.

A recent opinion column in the Wall Street Journal, “You Can’t Build Roads Without Oil,” pointed out the fallacy of the “keep it in the ground” movement against fossil fuels. Forced energy transformationists want an end to the internal combustion engine and shuttered fossil-fuel-fired power plants. It is a wind-and-solar world with existing nuclear plants maybe to continue.…

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A Typical Exchange with a Climate Alarmist/Forced Energy Transformationist

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 25, 2022

“The superior case for dense mineral energies economically and environmentally should inspire a rethink. And climate policy is in shambles heading into COP 27.”

“What is really fishy is that those that admit to ‘climate anxiety’ do not have any appetite to seriously entertain the case for CO2/climate optimism, aka energy freedom for the masses. And they see no evil in the eco-sins of wind, solar, and batteries….”

I actively engage in (and occasionally share) debates on LinkedIn against climate alarmists/forced energy transformationists. I sometimes feel like a teacher presenting a suite of arguments that have been cursorily dismissed. The good news is that there are a lot of readers in the middle who see what is going on. A number now join me in what is a two-sided debate at LinkedIn.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: October 24, 2022

By -- October 24, 2022
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Alex Epstein is Winning (humanism, progress = mineral energies)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 21, 2022
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Battery Airplanes? Nope! (MIT Technology Review)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 20, 2022
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Wind Power: What’s New? (summary from 1932/33)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 19, 2022
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BP Biogas: Greenwashing with the Uneconomic

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 18, 2022
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IPCC: We Call Your Bluff (COP 27 alarmism in the air)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 17, 2022
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Gray Greenwashing: Is Regulation Next?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 13, 2022
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