A Free-Market Energy Blog

Energy and Environmental Review: September 26, 2022

By -- September 26, 2022

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Adverse Energy Taxes in the Inflation Reduction Act
Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy

Renewables (General):
Renewable Energy Obsession Leading to Energy Rationing!
NY Governor Announces New Solicitation Calling for 2,000+ Megawatts of New Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects

Wind Energy:
*** Experts question environmental and economic value of wind power
Dominion Hides Off Shore Wind Threat to Whales
Wishes and secrets fill Dominion’s offshore wind Plan
15 years ago, wind turbines came to a Maine town, and hit turbulence along the way
Gone with the wind: Lesotho’s $15-billion wind farm project vanishes without a trace

Solar Energy:
*** Pennsylvania hearing shines light on solar concerns
Why solar ‘tripping’ is a grid threat for renewables

Nuclear Energy:
*** Efforts to Transform US Nuclear Industry Entering Full Bloom
*** Battery Deaths Put Nuclear Safety In Context
*** Poll Shows Widespread Support for Nuclear Energy
US study assesses potential for coal-to-nuclear conversion
Nuclear power is the future

Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** Environmentalists, Emboldened, Ask EPA to Ban Natural Gas
*** Short video: That would be the road to hell
America is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed
The Importance of Fossil Fuels
China announces it has enough coal reserves to last another five decades
California Bans Natural Gas Furnaces, Water Heaters
How African coal is saving Green Europe from freezing this winter

Electric Vehicles (EVs):
States to Ban Gas-Powered Cars Despite EVs’ Human, Environmental Costs
California EV Dream A Nightmare for Freedom to Travel

Miscellaneous Energy News:
*** 12 arguments supporting the terrible “Inflation Reduction Act,” refuted
*** The “Inflation Reduction Act” is a 4-step recipe for destroying American energy
*** Climate Panic Behind Energy Crisis
*** Obama Led Germany Into Putin’s Energy Trap
UK abandons net-zero energy policies for energy security
Denying Access to Energy: The New Normal?

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Big Oil, Exxon Not Guilty as Charged (a rebuttal in six parts)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 22, 2022

“Imagine if the media was reversed on the climate/energy issue, supporting and promoting a free-market, classical-liberal position. They could look at my boxes of files from the Enron days (1990s) and produce an exposé, Enron Knew.”

Back at Enron Corp., I had “email wars” with the company’s climate lobbyist, John Palmisano, the author of the infamous “This agreement will be good for Enron stock” Kyoto Protocol memo. Enron had at least a half-dozen profit centers that stood to benefit from CO2 restrictions, inspiring the activism that led Jeremy Leggett [The Carbon War (Penguin: 1999), p. 204] to identify Enron as “the company most responsible for sparking off the greenhouse civil war in the hydrocarbon business.”

The Palmisano/Bradley exchanges concerned regulating and pricing carbon dioxide. I was against; Palmisano for.…

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“Big Oil vs The World”: BBC Exposé Fails (Episode III)

By Richard W. Fulmer -- September 21, 2022

“In its Ahab-like focus on harpooning ExxonMobil, the BBC missed an opportunity to explore the enormous challenges involved in replacing fossil fuels. The costs of ignoring those challenges may well be tragically put on display this winter when Europeans face freezing temperatures with nothing but BBC-approved power systems to keep them warm.”

In Episodes 1 and 2 of its three-part documentary, Big Oil vs The World, the BBC succeeded only in demonstrating its own bias. Time and again, viewers were presented with only one side of a many-sided issue. Episode 3 is no exception. This episode’s main narrative is that, for years, oil companies have touted natural gas as a clean alternative to coal, but poor execution has largely offset the benefits.

Per unit of energy generated, natural gas produces about half the carbon dioxide of coal.…

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“Big Oil vs The World”: BBC Exposé Fails (Episode II)

By Richard W. Fulmer -- September 20, 2022
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“Big Oil vs The World”: BBC Exposé Fails (Episode I)

By Richard W. Fulmer -- September 19, 2022
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Global Decarbonization: Negative Agricultural Impacts

By -- September 15, 2022
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Texas Grid Reliability: Gone With the Wind (and solar)

By -- September 14, 2022
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Avoiding a Malthusian Future

By Richard W. Fulmer -- September 13, 2022
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Energy and Environmental Review: September 12, 2022

By -- September 12, 2022
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Stephen Schneider and Global Cooling: An Exchange

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 11, 2022
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