“A 10% reduction off the retail rate for wholesale power would net Summit Ridge Energy a price of $0.1181 per kWh, which is 244% higher than the average wholesale rate in 2021 that all other power producers received. And that boost will be absorbed and passed on to all retail ratepayers.”
“The $2.5 billion investment in production plants that Q-Cells promises isn’t really coming from the company, but from the U.S. Treasury courtesy of federal taxpayers’ largesse and Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.”
Last month, Vice President Kamala Harris visited a Korean-owned solar photovoltaic module plant in Dalton, Georgia. Long known as the carpet capital of America (and perhaps less illustriously as the Home of the Blonde Bombshell), Dalton will now host a vastly-expanded Korean-owned solar panel production facility operated by a company called Q-Cells.…
Continue ReadingEd. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
*** Right, OilPrice.com, Wind Power is Unprofitable
*** The Renewable Capital Cost Green Trick
*** Green Energy Is Stuck at a Financial Red Light
Wind lobby demands ever more subsidies from poor Europeans
Renewables (General):
*** How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America
*** The inhumanity of the green agenda
*** Environmental Bootleggers and Baptists Fleece Consumers
Video: The Great Renewable Energy Con explained by Dr Benny Peiser
A not-so-green reality behind green transition
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** The Pentagon Tilts at Windmills
*** Whales and Offshore Wind: The Verdict Was in Before the Coroner’s Report
*** Conservative watchdogs highlight ‘alarming’ surge in whale deaths as wind projects grow off NY, NJ coasts
Wind energy developer funneled cash to Dem senator pushing offshore wind
NOAA proposes hammering 208% of vanishing Right Whales
Calls mount to stop offshore wind project as more whales wash up dead: ‘Need to take a very hard look at this’
Biden Admin Energy Official Won’t Say if Offshore Turbines Can Survive Hurricane
California Wind-power auction shows how money matters in climate projects
We Oppose Delaware Offshore Wind because it’s Expensive, Unreliable, and Threatens the Natural Environment
Cargo ship arrives in Germany with large hole after striking wind turbine
Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
Wind Energy Poll: Nearly 60% say embrace natural gas
Solar Energy:
*** China Dominates U.S.…
“The supply-side reliability fix offered by the Texas Senate is a direct response to the February 2021 carnage created by, yes, wind and solar taking over a once reliable grid. It is a hard-wired governmental solution to a soft-wired governmental problem. But there is an alternative. Free markets, anyone?”
The big guns of climate alarmism and forced energy transformation are out to prevent Texas from shoring up its grid from the cancer of wind and solar. Out of the blue, the Texas Energy and Power Newsletter (Substack) appears, with the message that renewables are not the problem but the solution, complemented by, in Doug Lewin’s words, “Fast-acting reciprocating engines, batteries, geothermal power, and demand response [to] help with both resource adequacy and operational flexibility.”
In denial about the wounded supply side–where the obvious solution is to demote (government-enabled) intermittent resources–the answer is “smart meters” in the home so Big Brother can oversee demand.…
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