Twenty Bad Things About Wind Energy, and Three Reasons Why

By -- October 24, 2012 47 Comments

[Note this post is the most popular article ever published on Master Resource. It has been now been significantly updated. Go here to see the current version.]

Trying to pin down the arguments of wind promoters is a bit like trying to grab a greased balloon. Just when you think you’ve got a handle, it morphs into a different shape and escapes your grasp. Let’s take a quick highlight review of how things have evolved with wind merchandising.

1 – Wind energy was abandoned well over a hundred years ago, as even in the late 1800s it was totally inconsistent with our burgeoning, more modern needs for power. When we throw the switch, we expect that the lights will go on – 100% of the time. It’s not possible for wind energy, by itself, to EVER do this, which is one of the main reasons it was relegated to the dust bin of antiquated technologies (along with such other inadequate energy sources as horse and oxen power).…

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Anti-Oil Sands: Perverse Ethics in the Name of the Environment

By -- October 22, 2012 3 Comments

[Ed. note: An important front in the energy-policy debate concerns the moral case for rich, dense, plentiful, reliable energy that is handmaiden to industrial society. In addition to the post below, see the contributions of Alex Epstein at this site.]

The duplicity and hypocrisy of environmental pressure groups seem to be matched only by their consummate skill at manipulating public opinion, amassing political power, securing taxpayer-funded government grants, and persuading people to send them money and invest in “ethical” stock funds.

In the annals of “green” campaigns, those against biotechnology, DDT and Alar are especially prominent. To those we should now add the well-orchestrated campaigns against Canadian oil sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline.


Oil has been seeping out of Northern Alberta soils and river banks for millennia.

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Winning vs. Losing Energy Policy

By -- October 17, 2012 4 Comments

“As the Democrats become more committed to, and defined by, a green agenda, and as they become dependent on money from high-tech venture capitalists and their lobbyists, it becomes harder to describe them as a party for the little guy — or liberalism as a philosophy of distributive justice.”

– Charles Lane, “Liberals Green-Energy Contradictions,” The Washington Post, October 15, 2012.

Governor Mitt Romney strongly supports North American energy independence as the foundation of renewed U.S. employment and prosperity. There is much needed to fill-in the blanks, but the challenger’s guiding philosophy promises real reform. Free-marketeers, playing defense for the last four years, and during a lot of the Bush Administration too, actually have a chance to play offense should Romney prevail.

President Obama is waging a three-front war on hydrocarbon fuels in the spirit of Thomas Malthus, while promoting a jobless recovery in the name of John Maynard Keynes.

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Energy Scorecard: Romney vs. Obama

By Larry Bell -- October 8, 2012 8 Comments

Elections have consequences, and the upcoming one promises to have dramatic impacts for our energy-driven economic future.

Consider what each major contender has said regarding these key issues, with the incumbent promoting an “all of the above, but not too much fossil fuel” policy, and the major challenger promoting more of an “all of the best” energy policy.

Oil and Gas

The energy industry begins from the ground. The two candidates’ drilling policies are markedly different.

Obama: Last May, President Obama seemed to be expressing a drilling epiphany when he said: “we should increase safe and responsible oil production here at home.” There was his oil moment in Cushing, Oklahoma. Yet nearly two-thirds of federal lands are currently off-limits to drilling and mining, and leasing has slowed in recent years.

Oil production has been declining on federal lands, while booming on private and state lands.

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Presidential Debate: Climate Change Cheat Sheet

By Chip Knappenberger -- October 1, 2012 20 Comments Continue Reading

Wind Consequences (Part V – Other Considerations and Conclusions)

By Kent Hawkins -- September 27, 2012 9 Comments Continue Reading

EPA's (Anti) Energy Agenda: What About Wealth and Welfare?

By -- September 10, 2012 13 Comments Continue Reading

Crony Capitalism: Principles (Part I)

By Walter Donway -- August 31, 2012 9 Comments Continue Reading

Environmentalism's Sword: Protectionism

By Josiah Neeley -- August 30, 2012 5 Comments Continue Reading

How the Federal Reserve Affects the Gold-Oil Relationship

By Vance Ginn -- August 24, 2012 3 Comments Continue Reading