“The IPCC reports have become ‘bumper sticker’ climate science—making a political statement while using the overall reputation of science to give authority to a politically manufactured consensus. With such explicit political advocacy, combined with misleading information, the IPCC risks losing its privileged position in international policy debates.” (- Doug Sheridan)
Doug Sheridan speaks truth to power on energy and climate issues. In a recent social media post, he brings attention to an article by Judith Curry in The Australian, “UN’s Climate Panic Is More Politics than Science,” that emphasized how the IPCC markets a warming extremism that is three times the size of its medium-case scenario. [1]
Sheridan’s summary follows:
Judith Curry writes in the Australian, all but few holdouts now recognize that the IPCC‘s worst-case RCP8.5 climate scenario never really deserved the attention it was given.…
Continue ReadingSome interesting facts on CO2. The trace gas of life is very beneficial. CO2 is greening the earth and feeding the hungry. CO2 has not been proven to ‘drive’ climate change except as conveyed by the models which remain erroneous and incomplete. We are near the lowest level of CO2 over earth history. The secondary feedback heating effect of CO2 is limited by the IR logarithmic forcing law and is nearly saturated at current levels. The earth never had runaway heating even at 10x-20x current levels of CO2. Interesting that most plants evolved at levels averaging near 1200 ppm or roughly 3x current levels.
Desert greening
Plant fertilizer higher than expected
CO2 reducing plant water needs
CO2 sink
Greening observed by NASA
NASA – greening mitigates warming
… Continue Readinghttps://www.nasa.gov/feature/greening-of-the-earth-mitigates-surface-warming
Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
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