U.S. EPA: Playing Fast and Loose with Health and Welfare

By -- May 27, 2012 8 Comments

An eye-opening case can be made that Obama Administration’s EPA is threatening our energy, economy, health, welfare, justice, and civil rights. A stiff charge, indeed, but one that needs to be examined in due depth this Memorial Day and throughout the year.

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson says we face grave threats to human health, welfare and justice. She’s absolutely right. However, the dangers are not due to factory or power plant emissions, or supposed effects of “dangerous manmade global warming.”

They are the result of policies and regulations that her EPA is imposing in the name of preventing climate change and other hypothetical and exaggerated environmental problems. It is those government actions that are the gravest threat to Americans’ health, welfare, and pursuit of happiness and justice.


By hyper-regulating carbon dioxide, soot, mercury, “cross-state air pollution” from sources hundreds of miles away, and other air and water emissions, EPA intends to force numerous coal-fired power plants to shut down years before their productive life is over; sharply reduce emissions from cars, factories, refineries and other facilities, regardless of the costs; and block the construction of new coal-fired power plants, because none will be able to slash their carbon dioxide emissions to half of what average coal-fired plants now emit, without employing expensive (and nonexistent) CO2 capture and storage technologies.…

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'Offshore Oil Guide': Are You Ready for Some Real Free-market Jobs, Anyone Anywhere?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 21, 2012 8 Comments

“Do you like to get a good pay and benefits without having to get a PHD?”

The Offshore Oil Guide (OOG) advertises itself as “the Premier Web Portal for finding offshore oil rig and marine job opportunities. This website was setup as a single access web portal to provide everything you need to know to find, apply and secure an offshore oil rig job.”

Currently on the OOG site, there are 28 countries with offshore job portals: USA, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, South Africa, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, Philippines, Peru, Pakistan, Oman, Norway, Nigeria, New Zealand, Mexico, Malaysia, Kuwait, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, China, Canada, Brazil, Bahrain, Australia, and Argentina.…

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Big Wind Subsidies: Time to Terminate?

By -- May 8, 2012 11 Comments

Ending industrial wind subsidies is a quadruple win: it fosters real jobs, promotes economic growth, protects endangered species, and elevates environmental values over image-making.

The public is coming to this view, not only energy realists. In the face of repeated efforts to extend (seemingly perpetual) wind energy subsidies by industry lobbyists, taxpayers and grass root environmentalists have said: ENOUGH.

Informed and inspired by a loose but growing national coalition of groups opposed to more giveaways with no scientifically proven net benefits, thousands of citizens called their senators and representatives – and rounded up enough Nay votes to run four different bills aground. For once, democracy worked.

A shocked American Wind Energy Association and its allies began even more aggressive recruiting of well-connected Democrat and Republican political operatives and cosponsors – and introducing more proposals like HR 3307 to extend the Production Tax Credit (PTC).…

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The Conundrum – by David Owen (Jevons' "rebound effect" enters the New Yorker mainstream)

By Josiah Neeley -- May 2, 2012 9 Comments

Whether it is a new fuel efficiency standard for cars, bans on incandescent light-bulbs, or those commercials touting businesses’ commitment to lowering their carbon footprint, the idea that we can reduce carbon emissions by using energy more efficiently is a mantra of our age.

In fact, energy efficiency is considered to be so important that it is sometimes said to be a “fifth fuel” along with coal, petroleum, nuclear, and “alternative” energy. And who can forget Amory Lovins’s term negawatt in this regard?

But as New Yorker staff writer David Owen details in his new book The Conundrum, the idea that we can reduce our energy use by buying the right products is based on flawed economic reasoning.


Improving efficiency and related conservation are not unique to energy but all resources.

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'Hard Facts: An Energy Primer' (New IER educational effort launched)

By Daniel Simmons -- April 30, 2012 5 Comments Continue Reading

California Cap-and-Trade: Making Ourselves Poorer and 'Dirtier' (Part 2)

By Tom Tanton -- April 5, 2012 7 Comments Continue Reading

Minerals Boom in Saskatchewan (Expansion, not depletion, from new capital and the ‘ultimate resource’)

By Eric Anderson -- March 15, 2012 1 Comment Continue Reading

The Climate Impact of Keystone XL? About 0.0001°C/yr

By Chip Knappenberger -- March 5, 2012 18 Comments Continue Reading

Wind Spin: Misdirection and Fluff by a Taxpayer-enabled Industry

By -- February 24, 2012 31 Comments Continue Reading

The Collapsing Case for 'Green' Energy (Berkeley's Borenstein on an intellectual wrong turn )

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 22, 2012 6 Comments Continue Reading