Tomlinson’s Beef against Beef (Houston Chronicle editorialist says we’re irrational)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 29, 2022 4 Comments

“No wonder so many Texans refuse to acknowledge climate change; the planet’s fate relies on transforming not only our economy but our culture.”

“It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that climate change might come to a screeching halt if all humans switched to electric transportation and a vegetarian diet by 2030.”

It can be said: the climate alarmists worship at the alter of deep ecology. How else to explain why the parishioners of the Church of Climate refuse to question their premises or consider real-world roadblocks to their starry-eyed agenda?

Why do they refuse to seriously consider the eco-downsides of industrial wind turbines, solar slabs, and batteries–and the eco-benefits of CO2 enrichment and a moderately warmer and moister world?

All this in the face of alleged climate anxiety….…

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“I campaign for the extinction of the human race” (Les Knight’s ultimate solution to climate change)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 14, 2022 2 Comments

“With us gone, I believe ecosystems will be restored and there will be enough of everything. No more fighting over resources. The idea wasn’t as well received as I had hoped.” – Les Knight, The Guardian, 2020.

“What can be said in response to this humankind-hate? It is a humbling reminder that climate madness is at the center of the deep-ecology movement against modern, high-energy civilization. Expect the eco-nutty to seek-and-destroy persons and property as their ideas are rejected by the world.” RLB, below

Deep ecology — putting animals and plants equal or ahead of humans — is a dangerous religion. It breeds dangerous anger, social withdrawal, and calls for authoritarian government. And in climate terms, deep ecology has reached the point of premeditated property destruction, such as advocated by Andreas Malm in his book, How to Blow Up a Pipeline (2021).…

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Amy Myers Jaffe Disses Oil, Gas, and Houston

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 31, 2022 4 Comments

“Amy Meyers Jaffe, Chris Tomlinson, Jeffrey Sachs–so confident, so angry, so wrong about energy. In psychological terms, they are in denial about climate exaggeration and the verdict from energy density for consumer wants and necessities.”

“Other (pre-Jaffe) ‘Kodak Moments’ dissing fossil fuels have been published in 2015 here; 2016 here; 2018 here; 2019 here and here; and 2021 here. Idea plagiarism?”

CERAWeek 2022 was a rude comeuppance for the hyper-critics [haters?] of oil and gas, who found themselves marginalized not only by world events but also by the Biden Administration itself. Drill, baby, drill was the word from DOE’s First Lady. [1] But Houston Chronicle business editorialist Chris Tomlinson had to get his punches in, embarrassingly so given his strong emotions and elephantine conflict of interest.…

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Solar Geoengineering and Deep Ecology: ‘Just Say No’ (climate alarmists running out of options)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 1, 2022 No Comments

“Given the increasing normalization of solar geoengineering research, a strong political message to block these technologies is required. An International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering is needed now.”

“The speculative possibility of future solar geoengineering risks becoming a powerful argument for industry lobbyists, climate denialists, and some governments to delay decarbonization policies.”

Solar Geoengineering Non-Use Agreement

It is hard being green. Battling against energy density in the age of high-energy civilization is a set-up for failure so long as citizen-voters have a say. People want reliable, affordable energy. And poor people without modern energy want and need it the most. That means oil, gas, and coal–not wind, solar, and batteries.

Those wedded to climate alarmism/forced energy transformation are in a desperate hour. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 was ignored and died.…

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“‘Fuel of the Year’ Syndrome:” Methanol in California Revisited

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 15, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Natural Gas as a ‘Bridge Fuel’: Back to the 1980s/90s

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 2, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

False Alarm: Today–and Back in the 1970s

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 15, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

“Hansen vs. The World” (Richard Kerr on uncertain climate science in 1989)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 13, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading

Chris Tomlinson Gets Ugly against Petroleum (Houston Chronicle bias shines through)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 9, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

Nuclear Fiasco: Plant Vogtle 3 & 4 ‘Adjustment’ (what’s new?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 10, 2021 6 Comments Continue Reading