Paul Bryan on Steven Koonin: Cancel Culture at Work

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 6, 2021 2 Comments

“Koonin is … not REMOTELY qualified to dispute the conclusions of thousands of working scientists…. Koonin will say whatever he is paid to say.” (Paul Bryan, below)

“Bryan offers only  ad hominem attacks. Sadly, so characteristic of the public conversation about climate science.  If he’d made a specific criticism of what I said about climate science, it might be worth responding to.” (Koonin, below)

Emotions run high in the climate debate between the ‘settled-science’ alarmists and cautious, data-driven critics. There is every reason to listen and learn in a quite unsettled area (climate models?) and not be crude and offensive, much less engage in angry hate speech.

“Fossil fuel troll” … “You are simply shilling for the addiction model of energy and the dealers that profit from it” … “Your arguments are tired, old, oft-debunked pages from the Denier’s Playbook.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: September 20, 2021

By -- September 20, 2021 No Comments

This fortnightly Master Resource post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, published every other week by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Of special interest in this issue is The Deep Optimism Manifesto, by David Siegel, which pays tribute to Julian Simon and explains again the historical basis for his outlook and its implications for our future.

Greed Energy Economics:
Energy Prices in Europe Hit Records After Wind Stops Blowing
We cannot afford to stop and start society based on the wind blowing
The High Cost of Wind, Solar and Battery Systems in North East US
UK electricity prices now most expensive in Europe (largely due to renewables)
Greenflation: Household bills to soar by more than £1,500 a year, analysts warn
Solar Project Sale Reveals Green Energy Sorcery

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
Report: Rise of the Eco-Right
Missouri’s largest wind farm isn’t running at night for fear of killing endangered bats
Wind industry faces its own green dilemma: landfills
EV Battery Fires Won’t Keep Pols from Putting You in Them

Wind Energy:
Wind turbine nuisance test case starts in Australian Supreme court
Oregon farmers allege violations at wind turbine project

Nuclear Energy:
Small Nuclear Reactors Will Power Our Future
China prepares to test thorium-fueled nuclear reactor
Nuclear Fusion: U.S.

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Walzel Strikes for Climate Realism (Houston Chronicle interview fair, telling)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 2, 2021 2 Comments

“But in the nearly 4,000-page study, skeptics note, the term “low confidence” — jargon for findings where there is conflicting evidence — occurs almost 1,400 times. The term “likely” — which could mean a degree of certainty as low as 66 percent — appears thousands of times, including as to whether major hurricanes have increased in frequency since the 1980s.” (Jim Osborne, Houston Chronicle below)

The title of the featured story is loaded. The interview started from the premise of climate alarmism. But one Jim Walzel, 84 years young, did just fine in making the point that climate science is quite unsettled and not indicative of crisis–just like previous scares he has witnessed in his long lifetime.

James Osborne’s “These skeptics believe in climate change. Why is it so hard to convince them catastrophe is coming?”

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Anger in the Climate Patch: Exchange with a Climate Alarmist/Forced Energy Transformationist

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 26, 2021 6 Comments

“I keep saying to you, some of us are trying to … help the U.S. adapt to a climate you knuckleheads can’t seem to understand is changing rapidly because of your profession. Compete in a world where U.S. is an equal partner in opportunity. Not perish as a result of some delinquency.” (Williamson, below)

“There is no climate crisis. You can walk across the street and not notice the accumulated temperature change that is ‘killing’ the planet. Adaptation to weather requires wealth and a LOT of affordable, reliable energy.” (Bradley, below)

I actively challenge and trade thoughts with the members of the Church of Climate. I find much gratifying support from third parties–but encounter angry, emotional critics who throw everything they can at me.

Enter one Tim Williamson, an “infrastructure, efficiency and renewable energy expert” in the Baltimore/DC area.…

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Horwitz on the Climate Change Debate: Social Science too (Part I)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 13, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

“Green Fraud” Book Review (one-stop shopping for energy/climate realists)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 10, 2021 3 Comments Continue Reading

Judith Curry Interview (Part II: Public Policy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 4, 2021 1 Comment Continue Reading

Judith Curry Interview (Part I: Climate Science)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 3, 2021 2 Comments Continue Reading

Judith Curry as ‘Climate Heretic’ (Remembering the debate in 2010)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 2, 2021 5 Comments Continue Reading

Andrew Dessler Latest Tweets (inside the mind of an angry climate alarmist)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 24, 2021 3 Comments Continue Reading